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Here’s the scenario
Your on a boat in the middle of the sea with no one but you and your crew of 4 sailors. You’ve run out of gas and are drifting. Rations are running low and you have only one single signal flare. WHAT WOULD YOU DO
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question before I progress further. what kind of ship is it, like a cargo vessel, a yacht, or a naval warship or some other type of ship? second, what supplies are on that ship, like ropes, cloth, or other materials. thirdly, how many people are on board the ship, and fourthly is there any structura... View More
Like April 16, 2019
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
First fishing vessel Second spears, fishing rods, nets ect Third read I said that Fourth no no damage
Like April 16, 2019
what kind of fishing vessel, a skimmer or a shrimping-type fishing vessel?
Like April 16, 2019
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Skimmer idk use your imagination it’s only 5 of you
Like April 16, 2019
Well knowing i don't need to eat or breathe I'd jump off wishing them well since I'd rather not deal with the horrors of being eaten alive despite not dying from it but if i have to act as if I do have to eat then use my modfied vortex manipulator to transport us to a different dimension where we d... View More
Like April 16, 2019
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
I......cant figure out a way to mess that up okay your saved.....damn
Like April 16, 2019
Like April 16, 2019
Well, considering I'm from the ocean... I would actually dive into the water, and go fishing, bringing them food, and if I'd try to bring the boat back to land
Like April 16, 2019
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
*You use up most of your energy trying to help the other cremates as they get restless and talk of mutiny....What would you do?*
Like April 16, 2019
First, who would they be having a mutiny against? *I would try to rest for a little, and I would eat some of the fish*
Like April 16, 2019