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Chiller Sway
April 25, 2019
42 votes 397 views
May 8 we show our intense appreciation for Corona on a Canterlot-wide "Kiss Corona Day"
Kissing Corona is not required, but show some form of appreciation her way throughout the day. ALL DAY (Dem's comment in the post)
I know Demonic will back me up on this. OF COURSE HE WILL. I'M BULLYING HIM INTO IT!
You guys should hire me for PR.
I'd do great
6 people like this.
Black Parade
That's gay.
Like April 26, 2019
Chiller Sway
Ur ghey
Like April 26, 2019
Black Parade
Like April 26, 2019
Skyra Heartsong
Oh yeah~ Imma kiss da fuq outta dat cutie patoot of a birbhorse~
Like April 26, 2019
Chiller Sway
That's the spirit~
Like April 26, 2019
I, too, shall share the affection!
Like April 26, 2019
Cally Ber
Am I limited or can I just go the whole 24 hrs
Like April 26, 2019
Chiller Sway
Go Wild
Like April 26, 2019
this is my guide for the day
Like April 26, 2019
Chiller Sway
Don't worry, Corona. You just don't know what's best for you yet.
Like April 26, 2019
Chiller Sway
Figured since you all were here... Why not let you know that "CA Kiss Corona Day" has begun already? (great idea...Wonder why I didn't do it sooner...) Click it. It's great.
Like May 8, 2019