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May 7, 2019
21 votes 320 views
Zaten is trying to get a petition to make insecticide use on changelings illegal! Bug spray and related products are really harmful to changelings and Zaten is trying to make insecticide-related changeling hospitalizations go down by making it illegal to use insecticide on changelings.
"It's for a good cause! Please sign it!"
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"sorry friend, but I cannot sign it because we wouldn't be able to use it against those few changelings that are criminals. It makes a good reppellant for ponies who wish to protect themselves, like pepperspray and ponies."
Like May 7, 2019
"It's basically a torture weapon! It needs to be outlawed. You wouldn't understand how it feels to be sprayed by bug spray because you're not a changeling!"
Like May 7, 2019
"you would know what it feels like to be sprayed with pepper spray because you are a changeling, and your glassy eyes prevent it. So should we ban pepper spray too, and allow for unlawful ponies to attack others?"
Like May 7, 2019
"One, my eyes are mostly the same as ponies, I'm certain I can feel pepper spray as well. Two, I've never been sprayed by pepper spray, so no, I don't know what it feels like. Three, it's completely different! Pepper spray is harmless besides being super irritating and painful, but bug spray is pain... View More
Like May 7, 2019 Edited
I dont know.... changelings can be mean!
Like May 7, 2019
"Me neither! :c"
Like May 7, 2019
Maybe you can contact the pesticide companies to male a sleeping agents for changelings~!
Like May 7, 2019
"I don't get it and that has no use."
Like May 7, 2019 Edited
Zephyr Ward
"Is it really that dangerous?"
Like May 7, 2019
"I've done a lot of research and I've come to the conclusion that, yes, it is!"
Like May 7, 2019
Zephyr Ward
"I've never heard of it affecting us, but I'll take your word for it."
Like May 7, 2019
"Maybe it's just an allergic reaction, then? Maybe not all changelings are affected by it!" Zaten bleps.
Like May 7, 2019
Amy Callihan
"They are, are they? Good. I'll make sure to keep that in mind while venturing around. I wonder how much it takes to make the changeling shrivel." She would think about it.
Like May 7, 2019
Zaten is disturbed.
Like May 7, 2019
Amy Callihan
"Oh please! It was just a joke. I would have something lethal to all creatures not just changelings. Besides there aren't even too many who use pesticides anyway they just use magic. I just put bleach in a spray bottle and spray it into others eyes when they are going near my plants!"
Like May 7, 2019
"Oh, okay."
Like May 7, 2019