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Skyra Heartsong
June 24, 2019
9 votes 243 views
I'm bored. I'm in a mood. I need to do something and cheer here I am. Asking you, the users of Canterlot Avenue, which character from MLP:FIM I should draw.
1 person liked this.
Aurora Dawn
Like June 24, 2019
Chiller Sway
That's Trix's last name, ain't it?
Like June 24, 2019
Stardusk Strider
No, that's Lulamoon.
Like June 24, 2019
Chiller Sway
So is they suggest baby Luna? Or am I out of the loopsies?
Like June 24, 2019
Kamina The Hippogriff
Everyone is saying Luna Luna Luna Luna
Like June 27, 2019