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Chiller Sway
July 10, 2019
8 votes 225 views
This is about block button
We all know our favorite button here on Canterlot Avenue. The little purple plane thingy whenever we post. Because then everypony (Corona, your Bunny is expressly NOT permitted, thank you) can see what a lovely post you just made. And then they can like and comment on it and everybody just has a great time.
Oh, and the block button is here too. What do you want it to say when you make it pop out from the options menu?
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Chiller Sway
So not only did the picture I made for this poll not get added, the last answer choice I wrote was so long it straight-up got cropped. :D I love it.
Like July 10, 2019
I am so confused by all of what this says
Like July 10, 2019
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Chiller Sway
We need to give that block button a little more personality.
Like July 10, 2019
I really don't think we do. Blocking someone shouldn't be celebrated. It is not a good thing to have to do.
Like July 10, 2019
Chiller Sway
This poll is a joke. Nobody is meant to take it or anything in it seriously. I also dislike the block button very much and I wish it didn't have to be a feature.
Like July 10, 2019