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Lord Somber
December 10, 2019
6 votes 286 views
Something that has been established when it comes to Rps I take part in or Rps I build up is the fact that I rely on world building. What type of world does your character reside in, what are the viewpoints others have on your character, what's the histories behind each character you present, and many other things that tie into world building. It's something to which I myself, and others can see as important. Especially with Characters of a Genderbend nature.
Prince Solaris and myself, have a ... View More
1 person liked this.
Lord Somber
Gonna give a quick bump
Like December 11, 2019
Prince Solaris
Just voted the way I did so I can see results. I'm okay with either routes.
Like December 11, 2019