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Nitroxus Soulspins Prince Solaris
*Nitroxus bounced on his tail like it was a pogo stick toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated on top of a bubble and popped the bubble to land in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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On the way back from the rather.. botched visit to the castle, Solaris encourages Amethyst to take a small break before they reached back to the military camp. The spot happened to be where he was ear... View More
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Having been uncharacteristically aloof for the duration of their return Amethyst relents to the request, nodding her head in silent agreement as the pair and their son divert from their route.
Settling in Amethyst stretched a cluster of crackles easily heard in the otherwise night. Nova is aslo ela... View More
June 16, 2022
As Nova finished trying to wipe off the taste of the firefly, Solaris would scoop him up and gently toss him into the air, catching him with his wings. "Gotcha, my lil bug snatcher~!" he said before nuzzling into Nova's belly and blowing raspberries into it. While Nova was having his giggle fit from... View More
June 21, 2022
Amethyst watches the exchange between father and son reaching for her bag as they make their way back. "You know, that's not even the first bug I've seen him eat... same reaction every time." She sighed as she rummages around in the bag he arm sinking in much deeper than it would appear the bag shou... View More
June 27, 2022
"But Moooom~! They look different, so they must taste different!" Solaris comments with a chuckle, finally releasing Nova from his relentless raspberries. When the two reached Amethyst, he would stretch out a wing, letting Nova slide riiight off. As Nova waited early for a biscuit, Solaris would loo... View More
June 30, 2022
Further up the mountain, on a grassy patch that offered a scenic view over Canterlot and the surrounding area as the moon began to greet the evening sky, stood the older prince. Well, in this case, the only prince now. A.. good bit of time had passed since Solaris last saw his home, a large variety of emotions flashing through his eyes as he stared down at the view before him. He wished he had returned on a better note. He wished he had returned without the intent on taking back what was rightfully his, even if it to prevent future civil war. He wished he could have said goodbye before being taken away against his full understanding.
Almost two years or so ago, during Solaris' recovery after the fight against Torment, a group of his loyalists got together and planned. They heard of Artemis' intent on taking the crown for himself and feared for their prince's life. Calling themselves "The Order of the Shattered Sun," they used the guise of going to a specialized facility for recovery, the Order had convinced Solaris to go with them there, so he wouldn't be a burden at the castle and recover faster, physically, from his injuries. While they weren't exactly lying about that intention, they weren't upright with the fact that on Artemis' ends of things? It would look like Solaris had just.. left peacefully in the night. It was decided to be this way so Artemis wouldn't have temptations to visit his recovering brother, complicating things even more.
But now it was time to return home. Tensions were rising on the edges of the kingdom, quietly, as ponies were starting to grow discontent with how the kingdom finally had a king. The Order had been quick to scoop up allies, both domestic and foreign, and had slowly amassed an army that didn't rely on the Solar Guards for its numbers. That army currently rested miles behind Solaris, the distant campfires flickering like the stars above them. Solaris had came to this view, alone, to contemplate. This spot was his favorite view of his home, one he had last visited with a mare he loved a millennia ago. A view he wanted to share with a special somecreature, but didn't want to burden her with a trek like this and worry her, given the.. recent development between the two. He promised himself that he would visit this site once more with his loved ones, once this whole ordeal was done. Hopefully, his brother and his family would be with him. That, however, was a bridge to be crossed later.
The bridge that needed to be crossed now? Well, that would be soon made apparent as a familiar batpony approached the lonely prince, his right eye missing completely from his socket. "Sir.. I wish I hadn't need to tell you this, but.. It's Missus Amethyst," the batpony began without hesitation.
This caused Solaris to snap his head and attention towards the batpony. "Commander Nightfall, what has happened?!" he asked, concern and worry clearly filling his voice.
"She and Nova aren't at the camps. I've managed to track where she went before she took to flight. She was heading towards Canterlot. Alone."
a familiar voice rang out in Solaris' mind, the voice sounding very much like his own, but a touch deeper and distorted.
Solaris growled to himself, turning his head towards Canterlot.
"Shall I ready the army, sir?" Commander Nightfall offered.
"Have them on standby.. But do not march forward. I will go alone to bring her back. I will send the signal should things go.. awry. My intent is not to confront my brother tonight, just to bring her back. Hopefully that doesn't call for an army.." Solaris responds with before he takes off from the scenic view.
"As you command, sir. Safe travels," the batpony simply responds with as he takes to flight himself, back towards the army.
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February 18, 2022
Zaten attempts to get into contact with Solaris via talking to castle staff, wanting to know how the sun prince was doing.
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*Nitroxus walked inside of a giant tire toward the pony. He soon smiled to them as he stopped. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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