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Vy Thresh
October 13, 2020
29 votes 288 views
These aren't exact or anything, these are just things that I think others might value. I was tempted to do multiple choice but I feel like that would obscure what is most valued.
5 people like this.
Bright Brave
Like October 13, 2020
Vy Thresh
Thanks Bright <3 <3
Like October 13, 2020
as much as I adore a good narrative, for characters to have good interaction the people controlling the characters need to be able to communicate well and preferably, be on good terms. I can't rp well with someone I'm afraid of. I can't rp with someone who gets angry if I take a few days to reply, o... View More
Like October 13, 2020
Vy Thresh
Big agree. If I'm not comfortable in a situation I just can't. Someone who is inviting however, I feel less nervous ^^ Enticed even.
Like October 13, 2020
I search for Canon’s 4/5 of the time, so I have to vote the last one lol
Like October 13, 2020
Vy Thresh
That makes sense. ^^ There's a certain draw from canon characters. Back in Pony^2 I'd seek them out far more than oc's
Like October 13, 2020
I mean no offense to OCs it’s just when I’m in class or at work and daydreaming, most of those fantasies I think of and wanna act out have popular (and a common unpopular) characters!
Like October 13, 2020
For me, a good roleplay should be something both sides invest in equally. We brainstorm ideas, discuss characters that would be compatible for the roleplay we're looking for (NOT romance related) and we go from there. Chemistry is a big factor for my roleplays too. Do the characters get along? Can... View More
Like October 13, 2020
Yes, I agree that chemistry is a huge part.
Like October 13, 2020