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Misty Nights (PR)
May 1, 2023
29 votes 271 views
During the 20th of March to the 30th of April, PR hosted a Spring Party event. This event utilized the Forums space. We'd like to know how you felt about the collaborative roleplay experience within the Forums and whether you'd like us to run something like this again.
The signups for the event allowed us to garner how much interest there was and whether users were looking for new partners to roleplay with. We noticed that there's a desire from users to meet new people to roleplay with, but the... View More
3 people like this.
Requiring a signup for basically a glorified public forum was stupid. Advertising it even after sign ups closed was also stupid. Reading through it there was a bit of favoritism going on. I’ve seen complaints about people’s partners just disappearing and the person just not being able to participate... View More
Like May 2, 2023 Edited
Sprouting Bulb
second point is my thoughts exactly. felt kinda weird constantly seeing this RP event advertised while simultaneously being told i was too late to join.
Like May 2, 2023
Agree with third point
Like May 3, 2023
Amy Callihan
While I don't have a say in what happened on the inside I can share stuff on the outside. Firstly, I am a bit of an rp drifter. My time spending on the site is finding smaller but quicker rp's to put my stupid characters in. That said, having an event plastered on the home screen at 24/7 made findi... View More
Like May 2, 2023 Edited
The customization options is an excellent suggestion. This was brought up to me during an in-person staff meeting and I instantly raised it as a promising idea.
Like May 3, 2023
Amy Callihan
Indeed. Like custom themed profiles or maybe even custom profile bubble border. Even better. For contests, you could have a custom emoji as a prize. Maybe even get more unique with the events as well to broaden the themes of customization. Something other than typical months of the year. I think a... View More
Like May 3, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I do have my Operation: Final Battle events that I could probably turn into a forum thing for others to join in on.
Like May 3, 2023
Ephemeria Spring
Honestly, it was good enough, but I'd say some sort of crowd control system might help? It kind of put me off early on seeing the same pairs of characters respond to one another in succession within hours, then checking in and seeing all of that. Not directing actual blame to anyone, but having to d... View More
Like May 3, 2023 Edited
Shifter Burnside
can night visiters be allowed? im in malaysia. is too long too.
Like May 4, 2023
The forum was open 24/7 but that's an excellent point to bring up. Most of our staff is based in the US or Canada, but we should collectively be mindful of the rest of the world for our users.
Like May 4, 2023 Edited
Shifter Burnside
im also not able to be in most of the time
Like May 4, 2023
Shifter Burnside
pls make at least 3 days long, maximum 1 week long
Like May 4, 2023