Just got these hooves to stand on, that's all.
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Nitroxus Soulspins Lt. Columbo
*Nitroxus would deliver himself in a gift box in front of the creature and explode from it. With a bow, he would smile to them.* Hello and Welcome this magical place! I hope you enjoy it here!
1 person liked this.
Lt. Columbo
Awh geeze, thank ya! Though ah thought only pretty ladies came outta boxes an' cakes like that. Not to say ya not pretty, sir! Not my place ta say something like that, no sir! Anyways I really am greatful, ah'm sure I'll enjoy my time!
October 11, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
Nice to meet you? I take it that you don't deal a lot with ponies who are very spontaneous like me? I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are?
October 12, 2022
Lt. Columbo
"Oh, no sir! Ah deal with all kinds. Of course tha pleasure is mine!" The detective offered a hoof with a grin before quickly reclaiming it, ducking his head and rummaging in his overcoat. "Nice ta meet ya Nitroxus! I'm, uh, with the police. Columbo." He pulls a badge out from his coat, flipping ope... View More
October 13, 2022
Nitroxus Soulspins
Columbo? Such an interesting name. Nice to meet you, are you in a rush or something? You seem to be nervous. Oh no, is it because I appeared out the gfit box?
October 13, 2022
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Just got these hooves to stand on, that's all.