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Desert Thorn
September 19, 2018
691 views 18 plays
// Starters aren't everyone's strong point, waht if I told you this is the starter? Pick the lines you like below and bam, that's our starter. While not all lines flow smoothly (character count doesn'... View More
-Time of Day-
// Are you actually wanting to roleplay this? //
4 people like this.
Zephyr Ward
//Hmm... I don't have time to start something right now, but I like this idea, I'll check it out later.
Like September 19, 2018
Desert Thorn
// Thank you! Also, not to worry ^^ I don't have the time either X3 I've got to go to work in 40 minutes or so.
Like September 19, 2018
Zephyr Ward
//I have to say, this is a really neat idea. I wish I'd thought of it long ago.
Like September 19, 2018
Rover Wonder
Heh, I don't know where this might go, but hey, that's an interesting concept ! ^^
Like September 19, 2018
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Yes this is a good Roleplay
Like September 30, 2018
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
Wooow 2/7 correct haha I know it wasn't a test but it fealt like it XD
Like September 30, 2018