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Clashing Thunder
October 24, 2018
708 views 28 plays
How do you think you'll fall under thunder's wing?
100% - 80% = Potential lovers
70% - 50% = Close friends
40% - 10% = Friends
0% = How did you not get one right?!?!?
Just by looking at thunder, what do you think would be the best way to win his attention?
Thunder, having many jobs, gets stressed out easily, In non lewd ways, how would you help relieve that stress and what do you think is most effective?
When thunder talks about something you might not understand, what do you do to not upset him?
Whats thunder's favorite plant?
When thunder finally gets free time, he tends to be
You plan to give thunder a gift, what do you get him based on his jobs?
Thunder planned a sweet date for you both, but your allergic to the food in the restaurant, what do you tell him..?
YOU plan the date this time! Where do you think thunder would like to go..? (Take a chance! don't forget he'll wanna know more about you!)
Knowing he lives forever and he doesn't want to let you go, how do you reassure him?
5 people like this.
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
I would tell him that even if I can't live forever that I would love him forever XD
Like October 24, 2018
Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
And 80% btw
Like October 24, 2018
Clashing Thunder
uwu good job, you know enough about him to get his attention
Like October 24, 2018
PB: I can't really die unless I'm consumed since I don't really regenerate. Silent Scratch: L-Life goes on and i-if my time comes it comes Party Promenade: Let's treat every moment like a never-ending party! Memorable and fun!
Like October 24, 2018
Clashing Thunder
very well done, you all could tell a lot about him just by looking at him uwu
Like October 24, 2018
PB: Well my secret life tends to need me to determine somethings based off of appearances sometimes. Silent Scratch: I-I t-tend to observe some ponies actions s-sometimes when needed. Party Promenade: I wouldn't be a party pony if I didn't know something about anypony!
Like October 24, 2018
Sophie H.
Like October 25, 2018
Clashing Thunder
uwu good job, you pay attention to him enough to be a friend
Like October 25, 2018
Tornado Turbulence
“Memories last a lifetime, so let’s make some while we still can!”
Like October 25, 2018
Clashing Thunder
Well done you stay close enough to know his interests uwu
Like October 25, 2018