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Vexyuzz Shield
November 1, 2018
573 views 7 plays
Platinum is single, looking for love and in need of companionship. If it will be you is up to this test. (Note that Plat is Straight, Mares are the only ones who are accepted here. Go to Vexyuzz's tes... View More
Plat is currently a well liked guy but during his Childhood, he wasn't very liked. What do you think his nickname was?
Plat is a Mechanic, what does he work with though?
Plat does have a bit of a wierd food combo. Can you guess it? (Yes since he's part griffon he eats meat. He has sharp teeth)
You and Plat are on a date. A girl starts flirting with him. What would he rather have you do in this situation?
On your way home from the date. A stallion starts flirting with you. How do you think Plat will react?
What do you not bring up in a conversation with Plat?
If you were taking Plat out to a date, where would be the most enjoyable in his opinion?
What does Plat hate most about some poshy ponies?
How does Plat want to be called to by some one not really close to him?
What will he probubly call you if you start dating him?
1 person liked this.
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Darn! Man I suck at your quizzes either way Rose Bud provably would go dating on account of her being a guard and all the she’s very headstrong
Like November 1, 2018