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Deactive user
February 11, 2019
762 views 16 plays
How well do you know the roughish gambler, test yer luck and go all in or ya might find yourself outta luck missin yer belongins.
You are going on vacation, what kinda destination do ya look for?
Ya find yerself at a bar, a few bits in yer pocket and a bad case of dry mouth, what do ya order?
Times are tough and ya find your pockets empty, loansharks on yer tail, gotta get that money fast, how do ya do it?
You are on a date and need to break the ice, what question do you ask yer parner?
Its that special day and ya gotta get your partner a gift, what do you get them?
How did Twisted get his magical powers?
You decide it would be fun to play a prank on your father. You enter his private restroom when no one is looking, and....
You are getting a pet for your home, what kinda animal do you go for?
Whats yer fav food to go out for?
Ya just won it big in the casino! What are the first thing ya buy.
3 people like this.
#7 looks oddly familiar... Hmmmmm... *nukes intensify*
Like February 12, 2019