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Bubble Berry
September 18, 2018
643 views 19 plays
Try to answer those questions without using google!
Bob’s father has 4 children. Momo, Meme, and Mumu are three of them. Who’s the fourth?
I have three apples. If you take away two from me, how many do you have?
What breaks and never falls and what falls and never breaks?
You have a match and you enter a wagon with a candle, a lamp and a fireplace. Which one do you light first?
A farmer had 752 sheep and took one shot that got them all. How did he do it?
Which letter of the English alphabet flies, sings, and stings?
Which one is correct? “Penguins flies” or “A Penguin flies”
How many sides does a circle have?
A man went outside in the pouring rain with no protection, but not a hair on his head got wet. How come?
What looks like half an apple?
2 people like this.
Knight’n Game
Yeah 60
Like September 18, 2018
Tornado Turbulence
I was certain I’d get #6 wrong
Like September 19, 2018
Rover Wonder
Yay, 80! :3
Like September 19, 2018
Spartan Sword the unicorn
All but number 8
Like October 30, 2018