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Berry offers you a cupcake! you're free to choose the flavor! #rp
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Sushimi sits down and points her hoof at one. “I want this.. what’s this?” She would wiggle her ears to listen
January 25, 2025

Bubble Berry
He'd follow her pointing hoof to the cupcake she's pointing at, she's pointing at a mint cupcake "ohh good choice!"
January 25, 2025

Snow Storm
"Mmm, I like lemon if you got that," they blepped.
January 25, 2025

Bubble Berry
"pfft! what pony would I be if I would say no?" and with that he claps his hooves 3 times and a lemon cupcake appears right in front of her.
January 25, 2025

Pepper Snap
Jalapeño? =3
January 25, 2025

Bubble Berry
"Ho ho! someone loves risky! I like that!" he chuckles and with a backflip a green cupcake appears in front of her with a little jalapeño on top of it.
January 25, 2025

Pepper Snap
*she gobbles it down and slides him a bit* that was so delicious! Thank you =3
January 25, 2025

Chroma Splat
January 25, 2025
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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"Hey you! yes you!" He waits till he gets your attention before he pushes a strawberry cupcake into your mouth "Enjoy!" #rp
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Ghostbit would've dodged almost like He was one of those weird show character's... The one where some space monkey pony landed in Equestria, hit their head, learnt martial art's, their hair turned blond and spikey, and now their fighting in a tornament of universes!
In reality He would've threw a p... View More
"Rawr!" #rp
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Berry waits for the right moment to push a cupcake straight into your mouth, it's a lemon cupcake! enjoy! #rp
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Sunshine chewed on the cupcake as she just simply stared at Berry, Once she smiled she grabbed a rainbow cannon. She pulled a white string as a bunch of rainbows and star confetti exploded around you. "This is so good, we should celebrate how yummy it is!!"
September 19, 2023
Um thanks, but don’t scare me like that *I swallowed the cupcake*
September 19, 2023
*Nitroxus would eat the cupcake, confused on why and how did Berry find him.* Thank you.
September 19, 2023
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