Art by artist on lamker
This week it’s time to help you build your OCs. So to begin, we’d like to ask you to think about your OC and answer this question. “What is the biggest lie your OC tells themself?” This sort of question gives your OCs a flaw which is tied to perhaps a core ideal for them.An example of such would be that your OC believes that their friends would never lie to them. This would cause them to trust whatever their friends say at face value, like Pinkie Pie. While ...
Before I begin, I’d like to note that this character is inspired by the BBC’s hit show Doctor Who and in no way do I wish to insert myself into the canon of Doctor Who by placing her into the events of the show, rather I will be taking some elements and making the presence of Doctor Who type things present in my Head canon universe. For example Vortex manipulators, Daleks, Cyber-Ponies, and perhaps maybe even a doctor. As the universe is a vast vast place and confining myself to the planet in wh...