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Ballista Trench

Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on November 30, 2000
Misc. RP Information
Alright, as always we get to start with rules. I personally don't have many but its still something that's needed. I'm not gonna make sure you read the rules but its just common courtesy that you do. So, let's get to it.
First of all, talk to me first before posting any kind of RP on my wall. There are exceptions to this, for example, people that have known me for a while or just want to shitpost RP. However, I expect a small discussion about where the RP may go or at least how you RP before I co... View More
Common locations your character will be
Title(s) / Rank
Monster Hunter Gunmage
Skin / Coat Color
Dark Green (#043226)
Eye Color
Gold (#a98948)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Contract and Quill
Design Description
Ballista is an average-sized stallion with a broad and strong build with lots of scarring all over his body. He has a thick messy gold-colored mane with a messy bun and his tail is a large mess of hair that drops halfway to the ground. He usually wears a belt over his left shoulder and under his right leg and over his back that holds different potions. He also carries a large scoped musket and a blanket of fabric leaves on his back.
Detailed Personality
Ballista is an introvert and doesn't talk to others much although he doesn't strictly hate talking to others. Ballista will talk if he has something to say or to answer others but will keep it simple unless he is comfortable around somepony. He loves listening to others and enjoys the company of others but doesn't like when one gets in his way when he's working.
Monster Hunter
Crystal Mountains
Homeschooled and Self-Taught
Detailed History
Ballista was born in the Crystal Mountains and raised there by both his parents. He was taught from a very young age some complex magic and arcana and had his first gun bound to him and taught by his father how to hunt. Growing up Ballista would look up to his Dad and want to be just like him when he grew up. His father would teach him how to mix simple potions that would accelerate healing and some that attracted certain creatures and some that would harm them. When Ballista turned fifteen his ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Fake Leaf Camouflage Blanket
Large Arcana Bound Scoped Musket
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Potion Making
Arcane Shot - Ballista uses his magic to enchant the loaded round to have a farther effective range and damage type. (acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder)
Infused Shot - The round loaded is infused with a specific spell that affects the target on contact.
Nature's Perfume - All trackable scents from Ballista and company are covered up by that of the scents of the surrounding area.
Arcane Gun - Ballista binds a weapon to himself with his magic. Only one... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
November 30, 2000
Last Login:
August 31, 2020
Member Since:
January 27, 2020
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