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After her little overnight to avoid her family due to blood craze again, she had felt a little bad, she didn't like having to ditch Lyle most of all. But during the day a thought had occurred to her, ... View More
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Liath Mac Medb
He waltzes in expecting to be met by Cirra. She has been there to make him feel a bit better about his constant worrying over his wife. Worrying is one of the things he hates doing the most, so he's been beside himself trying to deal with it. Working has helped a bit, but anypony who worked with him... View More
July 18, 2019

Liath Mac Medb
"You got it, beautiful." He winks and turns around, grabbing a mixer and a few materials to make sparkling strawberry vodka drinks for both of them. He gets two glasses, and the drink comes out a bit pinkish, and fizzes as the bubbles rise to the top. He then garnishes the side of each glass with a ... View More
July 18, 2019

"Oh I had a feeling~" she teases as she pulls her drink close, eyes all on him as she takes a sip. "Mmmmm what are we gonna do, us two rascals, life can't seem to keep use down can it?~" she says with a grin. She has so much love in her right now...
July 18, 2019

Liath Mac Medb
He picks up his own glass and takes a drink, a bit of condensation runs down the side of the glass and hangs from the bottom without actually dripping off. "Mmn. No matter what happens we'll beat it and come back stronger. It's what we do, just gotta keep doing what we're doing." He leans on the cou... View More
July 18, 2019