Princess Neon Synthwave
The machinery creaked and moaned as the wind beat against it. The shadows of once was casted on the abandoned machinery. The only light shining through was the light on that very familiar logo; The We... View More
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Princess Neon Synthwave
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
July 13, 2019
June 26, 2019
The new world consists of Artemis city (Crystal Empire), Solaris city (Manehattan), Avian City (Cloudsdale) and Elysium (the new capital). Each city is built for certain tasks. Artemis city is built for mining the resource that powers everything, Solaris city is the primary city for manufacturing of machinery and weaponry, Avian City makes the weather work depending on the situation (big surprise) and Elysium is the capital that runs the new world. It is easily the most advanced with its size easily being that of a small province. It is a metropolis at its core. Towers stretch into the sky for what seem like miles. It is also the most protected to the point of near isolation. Walls surround the city with guards holding off the entrances. If anyone dares try to enter without permission, they get killed.
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June 18, 2019
A desolate landscape of what was the old capital of Equestria. The remains of which are now in shambles and abandon. The remains of those who perished in the great wipeout sit on the city's edge. Their remains a reminder of the city's demise. Those who stayed. The mares, stallions, fillies and colts. They live in the abandoned city as a reminder of what was. A broken reminder of what was once a utopian society. Now lay to rest as the castle falls apart piece by piece. The plants slowly taking back what was once their land.
The ship charged through the sky as it entered the new landscape. The abstractly shaped skyscrapers, the flying vehicles as well as the neon lights that filled the night life of the city. It was glori... View More
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It was about time the cell door opened. Of course Lesa wasn't in the right mood right now, but her ears certainly twitched when she heard the sweet sound of a viloin playing so she decided to investigate.
May 30, 2019
It wasn't too much for Lesa to handle this much information, but it was getting there. She was kind of distracted by everything that was going on around them, but was able to listen and see the mare in front of her. "Your Neon's mother? I see where she got her looks from then. As for my name? Lesa C... View More
June 2, 2019
"I am already aware of your name. Congrats on becoming a mother by the way. Anyways if you kindly would follow me, I have something very important to show you." She said nodding her head to follow. "When Neon ran off, I was expecting her to wipe out more of the primitive ponies. Instead I find out s... View More
June 2, 2019
"Thanks, it's a lot of hard work being a mother for the first time, but the reward is certainly worth it." As she explained that she smiled somewhat as she started to follow Neon's mother. "She went back in time to live a normal life? How come just out of curiosity."
June 2, 2019
"Because she thought that your life could fix hers." They trot into a large room. A screen flashing on. It was Canterlot. It seemed pristine and calm. A shield covering the city. Off in the distance, an army of futuristic ships approached. One of these being the one Argsim transported Lesa in. Sudde... View More
June 2, 2019
"If this is the future. What happened with my daughter?" Lesa asked out of curiosity. "Obviously I won't know it all considering this is a future that could possibly still change."
June 3, 2019
"For all we know, Lillith died in the great Canterlot extermination." Synthetic said with a straight face. "Anymore before Argsim escorts you back?"
June 3, 2019
Ouch... Well She did ask, but that still kinda hurt. "No... I think that's all."
June 3, 2019
Synthetic nodded as Argsim began to escort Lesa back. "Safe travels!" She called out before the vessel took off and back to her time
June 3, 2019
"Oh I imagine." Argsim said as a flash of light greeted them. Once that was done, they were in front of the castle with the vessel landing in the docks
June 4, 2019
May 22, 2019
It was nearly five decades since the return of the Crystal Empire. Ponies were still using magic at this point in time to say the least. That was until one day while in the Empire's mines. Deep down into the caves sat a source like no other. A crystallized liquid that glowed red when touched. It was eventually discovered that this substance was double the power of the Prince's as well as discord. It was an odd find at first due to how the Crystal Heart accepted it. It definitely was more powerful than any magic ever seen. Almost as soon as it was found, ponies wasted no time in mining this powerful resource. New technology came out. Ships that could cross the country in a matter of a few hours, weapons that overpowered anything they used before, artificial intelligence and so much more. Ponies could even be injected with it to make them stronger and able to perform most tasks other wouldn't. This didn't mean that it didn't have opposition. Ponies that still used magic hated the new substance and how it tried to kill magic. Some groups even tried sabotaging operations and what not. This didn't stop production until it completely stopped suddenly. Ponies weren't allowed near any mines containing it, ships that had it were confiscated by an anonymous company, only a select number of ponies were injected and finally the empire went under siege. After a few years, something finally did come up. Cities were being wiped out one by one and assimilated into submission. First the empire, then Manehattan, Fillydelphia and so much more. Magic users were given a choice to either give up their magic or be killed. This caused a mass exodus to Canterlot which went under siege like the empire. Only they kept themselves shielded with magic until they felt safe. This didn't stop them...
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