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Polo Fastter
on December 5, 2019 116 views
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Mina May Marzipan
"Because you're better at this than we are" That's SAD XD
Like December 5, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
this is just statistics and top 10s
Like December 5, 2019
Mina May Marzipan
true, though i still think it's better than last year
Like December 5, 2019 Edited
Ephemeria Spring
it is, but, the whole video just reeks of dull corporate tones and trying to be incredibly safe last year was cringe, now it feels more like a lazy effort
Like December 5, 2019
I mean, the bar is so low, this is 10x better than last year let's be real. At least it was just statistics this time round and not a cringefest.
Like December 5, 2019