Half-Demon Human
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Heya, I'm Amuka, and I hope we can be best fwends!
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Nitroxus Soulspins Amuka
*Nitroxus dolphin jumped out the soil and landed in a swirl in front of the being. He smiled and bowed. Passing a large gift over them.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus slid down a rope from his hot air balloon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*boops the void*
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Knight sat on his throne as he reviewed many papers, today he was letting in a lot of refugees from destroyed cities that are having too much trouble rebuilding, he has left Princess Twilight Sparkle ... View More
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[Insert lol tired funny post at 6 AM here]
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*Nitroxus exploded out of the ground with a roar.* Amuka! You took that last round and you know you cheated. I will now hand you books to make sure that you don't cheat again.
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*Nitroxus looked back at his notes.* Oh wait, that was months ago. You win this round Amuka. I will be back for you.... *Slinks slowly back into the hole.*
June 7, 2020
I'll have you know, I have 2,712 activity points so you best not mess with-or boop-me! I'm a strong independent hooman who rejects your boops. *nods*
You know who you are! >>
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Well well well, look who came back with low activity points, it has been a while old friend
Knights army marches through the land, he had tried giving everyone a chance to walk into a better future, but they still attack and kill each other, they refuse to try and walk into the light of a ne... View More
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