Crimson Canvas

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. 34 years old
: Sanctuary was formed in a small town in a neighboring kingdom. The founding members originally made the organization to provide shelters and safe spaces for everyone. After the idea proved to be a rather large success in their hometown, the organization decided to try their luck spreading their ideas and ideals to other communities around the country. : The organization’s goal is to provide safe havens, Sanctuaries, for all ponies in order to protect them from, and rid them of their fears of the evil that seems fixated on destroying their lives. : The line of command within the organization. Leading Founder - The initial founder who started the organization. Secondary Founding Members - High ranking members who helped the Leading Founder realize his ideas. Spellbinders - The unicorns in charge of securing the Sanctuaries with evil-magic-repellant spells. Sanctuary Head - The ones in charge of the individual Sanctuaries. Member - The ordinary member of a Sanctuary community. [hr]
Crimson Canvas
Cherry Bomb