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Uh yeah so apparently somebody told this girl that I had a crush on ✨[name]✨ and I know she’s going to tell everyone ;~;
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Lord Sting, master of Toonforc...
Who is it?
October 23, 2021

Lord Sting, master of Toonforc...
no irl. So its not someone here?
October 23, 2021

October 24, 2021

Lord Sting, master of Toonforc...
Then no
October 24, 2021

Bright Brave
God I wish this was me.
October 24, 2021
I’m being harassed at school c:
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(You’re writing “Nods” wrong-) *throws a tiny doll house table thingy or whatever they are across the room* NYAGH
October 21, 2021
Physically hurt them? They physically almost killed me :)
hey hi, I understand what this is like! it is not fun. it kinda really, really sucks, actually. but it will end eventually, and you can get through it. if there are visible marks on you, you can get the police involved. you can get through this. most schools have security cameras - if you can, try t... View More
Everybody in my class is singing “Stay” by Justin Bieber. Or maybe it’s the sapnap cover. OOWOOOOOOO
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oh sorry, that's where i get the cheese powder from, pretend it isn't there
Somebody friend me
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But seriously I literally say that when I open my locker
And when I do everyone’s just like *looks at me* the fuck
Nothing. I finally get to put my stuff in so I won’t kill myself carrying all my stuff-
A paper was sent home to my parents today saying by little brother was in contact with somebody who was tested positive for COVID-19- Boi, I’m scared-
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hope you and your family are vaccinated! y’all should get tested and quarantine as soon as possible.
i hope everything works out! it might suck if you get sick, but hopefully it’ll just feel like a cold to you.
Oh my, I hope that he recovers greatly and that the rest of the family are still well.
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