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Nitroxus Soulspins Jade courage
*Nitroxus jumped on a path of trampolines toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Humans when they find out how to use the power of friendship
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*Nitroxus floated on top of a bubble and popped the bubble to land in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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fun fact if you type "Alicorn" in the youtube search...this video is at the top of the results...the ace combat fanboys defeated the bronies https://youtu.be/BZbWHIPMjqM
"Alicorn" - Ace Combat 7 (w/ lyrics) - YouTube
Track that plays in the third phase of SP mission 3, when the Alicorn surfaces. Composer: Keiki KobayshiLyrics (transliterations and translation by @salutema...
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September 30, 2021
Rise of the Gods and the Void.
Approximately 20,000 years ago, a star was shattered and the eldritch horde was pulled into the world, the moon was sent careening towards the galactic west. The planet was under siege from interstellar menace until a creature of unbridled fury rose up. This was Midan, the god-breaker. The raging flame burned black as he tore through the ranks and stole their power. Accumulating the strength to punch the skull of the eldritch elder god’s head open. Once stealing his power. Midan leapt into the tear in reality where they came from and continued his assault. The realm of that would make any man claw his eyes out, midan reduced to nothing but a empty void. The bones of the elder gods became structures for creatures to live in...the blood became rivers and lakes. Meanwhile, the moon sent careening away found its way to the solaris system. This carried a young moon goddess called Ikarra Yune. Yune would later marry the other god of the Moon Lunarus Yuke. and thus began the creation of the world of terra.
Rise of the Suryi, the dragon war and monsters.
With the pact now sealed the gods focused on creating the first race to exist on Terra. The Suryi, or elves. They were gifted the mastery of magic and the ability to harness technology beyond even what a future faction is capable of. Yune created another race to live on terra called “Monstrum.” but nothing could have prepared her for what happened. A rogue entity arrived on earth,The dragon king convinced all of monsterkind to betray yune and kill her. Thus causing the dragon war to begin. Enraged by the death of his wife Yuke unleashed a fury upon the dragon king striking it down with the mighty star razor known as the “moonlight god-blade” as the battle raged between yuke and the dragon, the suryi also unleashed their fury on the monsters creating weapons of magic and technology known as Machina, magic powered mechs that could go toe to toe with bigger monsters.
Suryi’s golden age and government.
Solaris the god of the son resurrected Yune and yet the cost put the sun god in a coma. The sun will remain dormant. However the age of the suryi had begun. With the power of magic and technology the suryi took the opportunity to create a empire spanning hundreds of planets spreading its influence across the galaxy. However its cast system was unique even among themselves. The lower and middle class became the Nasuryi, the penal military was the Daisuryi and the upper nobility is the Azsuryi. Any crime could not only make you a daisuryi but dooms your entire bloodline into being a Daisuryi. For centuries this status quo has remained eternal. The suryi’s influence was seen everywhere. But although the glory of the suryi was universal, the downfall was fast en route.
The shattering of a god and the first judgement.
Midan, desperate to slow down his transition to godhood shattered himself into 52 fragments. Each within 4 houses each representing a trait. House of spade became midan’s honor as fast as lightning and as the wind. House of hearts represented midan’s cosmic intellect that flowed like water, house of diamonds became Midan’s passion, a burning fire that will never goes out, and lastly house of clubs represented midan’s strength, a stone unbreakable. Meanwhile, The Daisuryi began to rebel against its fate, lead by Dai-Algius and Dai-Markanth the 2 would capture the Mason and the architect, the greatest technological minds in the empire and forced them to create a battery to harness the power of a god. The results were more than anyone could have fathomed. Thus born was Judgement, the god of order. Judgement informed the daisuryi of the new world that judgement. But in order to create it, all life must be purged within the milky way. The judgement war left billions dead and as Markanth took the mason and architect with him to space. Algius and Judgement launched an attack on the void where Yuke also made a stand with house spade. The casualties were catastrophic...causing the god of justice to lose his life. However the ace of spades gweeno spade would consume his house at the behest of his family...temporarily awakening midan. Midan’s quarter strength was enough to turn algius’s blood to glass and kill him and judgement was gravely wounded. Judgement fled the void, only to be struck down by a single azsuryi named Alister Voltaire. However the empire was no more. Yune, desperate to create, new life, used Midan as a basis of a new race. Using the void and holy energy a new race was formed...one that would take a mantle of legends that even the suryi would find difficult to face. The masters of war, The race of Humanity.
The God Chalice and the elves’s second empire.
Humans scattered into the wind would form new kingdoms and nations such as the kingdom of mirabel, and Un-noh. Or the magic city of Tazbad in the giant desert of long drift, home of the orcs. In the mountains of Nathudukar the dwarves made their own kingdom...and far to the eastern island thousands of suryi formed a nation based on reclaiming and archiving technology this group became “The Bastion Workshop” as all seemed well...history nearly repeated itself. A elf named Samson Tychonis discovered a suryi vault deep within a mountain carrying an ancient robot known as gevalt. The two spoke for hours, and Samson returned with a burning ambition. Gathering what remaining elves were left he recreated suryi technology and marched to form the “Tychonian empire” a continuation of the suryi empire. As half of the god chalice fell, the young race of humans launched a desperate defence against the elves as tazbad fell and the orcs fled beyond the world spine and into the frozen north of the cursed lands of Gruntiel. The clover leaf coalition lead by Un-noh managed to fend off tychonia with the aid of the Mirabelans. Although un-noh did fall temporarily. It was taken back after a quick and deadly coup. Samson would perish from a long and agonizing sickness that consumed him. Leaving his empire in the hands of his son. Nicholas Tychonis, the scholar king.
The Tybolt war and the return of Algius.
The Gruntiel Empire as it came to be called united many humans and orcs under one banner. Would launch a crusade to punish the tychonians for the tazbad massacre, attacking Mirabel and Nathudakar. Unaware that the orcs were being manipulated by an ancient evil, Algius the Saint of Judgement. But as evil rose once again, a hero rose to give his life, a knight who was able to harness Yuke’s holy weapon Moonlight alongside a bastard son of samson, Nakolai machet, a bastion pilgrim Dhook Drake, a holy knight, Tina Luka, the last heir of mirabel’s kingdom and the follower of the moon, Elena Lumina. This knight became the first of the hero bloodline. Of the mirabel noble house of Lankastor, Arin Lankastor gave his life to bring down the emperor, giving his allies a chance to defeat Algius a second time.
The continental drift and the first age of humanity.
Centuries after the tybolt war, the gods chalice was broken. Breaking into several continents. The age of elves was at an end as the tychonian empire was no more and with it came the end of any attempt of the elves to make an empire. And thus humanity would form their own mighty empire. This became known as the “Roman Empire” for thousands of years it stood, although it fell twice it represented something that humans can look up to. Human empires and nations rose and fell as technology was rediscovered or simply new tech was made.
The Spring of nations and the second age of humanity
The late 18th and early 19th century lead to the questioning of ideals among humans became more and more apparent. The ideas of monarchies started to become more and more obsolete as humans began to grow more intellectually driven. Leading to the American Revolution, The French Revolution and Gran Colombian Revolution. Many other failed revolutions followed as the idea of a nation state ruled by the people, not by the monarchs began to be a dream among the masses. But this would culminate in a splintering of ideals and views. Monarchies would be tested and cast into the wind for the sake of ideologies and revolution.
The War to start all wars and the age of metal
In June 28th 1914 the archduke of the Austro-Hungarian empire Franz Ferdinand would go to Bosnia and Hertzgovina in order to oversee its annexation. In the capital city of Sarajevo though, an event would spiral into a war that would change everything about humanity. Gavrilo princep of the black hand had true aim that day as his pistol pierced the archduke’s tunic. Sending the world careening into chaos. The Great War, The first World War as some claimed “The war to end all wars” and others “The war to start them all.” as destruction and chaos ravaged europe, monarchies were toppled and replaced by nation states with alternate views such as communism, the belief of the destruction of the class system, or Fascism, the destruction of other races to create a perfect nation-state. Although in america democracy reigned another war did begin in europe. The second world war which broke fascism’s back. And a cold war that caused communism to die away. Leaving america as the sole world power.
The rise of Voxelism and the stagnation of humanity.
In 2017 the rediscovery of an political philosopher Calcifer T Voxel lead to a new choice in politics. Voxelism or, Populist Meritocratism started an ideal evolving the human race unfocused by race or class but of improving humanity altogether, however stagnation of humans began to be seen. Humans were more focused on politics and social justice to care about improving themselves. Blaming their laziness on either the inefficient government, unseen-fascists or an alternate patriarchy. Thus causing a rise in extreme nationalism or “Retalitory Nationalism to combat socialists and alt leftists alike. The west was in a dead-lock. It was only a matter of time before one or the other would start the war.
The War for unification and the Rise of the Voxel Dominion.
A young human, enslaved by bureaucracy with his destiny and birth-rights taken from him would create a new variant of Voxelism, not just based on evolution of humanity, but evolution of the state and militarism. An idea of an ethnically diverse nation-state where those who are elected are elected by merit and talent alone. However those of the left and the right despised voxelists and him alike. The media and cancel culture tried to destroy him but he would return with an inferno of ambition and power. This man was known by many as the sire, others by the name of the Father of the super-nation. And only few remember the true name. Hector Mordecai Harken. The founder Harkenism or Darwinist Meritocratism would take a thousand veterans and police officers and lead a crusade in the third world forming the Voxel Dominion, the first nation state of Voxelist and Harkenist ideals. If he couldn’t convince the world by words he would do it by force. The dominion army became a massive machine of millions of troops, cloned in vats, volunteers from across the globe, or homeless plucked off the streets and conscripted into service, or criminals found guilty and have chosen to serve the state. The dominion rages across the world, china, the middle east africa and the balkans fall under the voxel dominion. Shifting all eyes on the dominion forces. Shocked that the war did not start under fascism or communism. Voxelism which had gone uncared by the masses now was a super power that threatened the world as we know it.
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so big question lads...if Griffonia is Germany, And Equestria is Great Britain, and Wingbardy is Italy...what would Turkey be? https://youtu.be/TOBQt-dEWEQ
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