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Mango Screech

Female. Lives in  Hollow Shades,  Equestria. Born on October 16, 1998
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Cute ponies
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Ponysquare Refugees
442 Members
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a tree and looked around to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus dove out of the ground and landed on the surface. He smiled to the batpony. He soon passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus walked on some stilts toward to the batpony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large git over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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velvet estelle blood velvet (smol ling filly}
the light blue unicorn filly gently poked you miss? are you a my mommy?..." the tiny filly sniffled a little bit looking around franticly she was coverd in dirt and grim and was soaked from water free... View More
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Mango Screech
The bat pony would glance back as she'd feel the poke against her side, tilting her head curiously and giving a kind smile as she'd look to see who or what it was. But as she'd see the dirty and soaked filly sniffling in front of her She'd blush a deep red, she'd look at a loss for words as she'd ne... View More
Like September 4, 2019
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Mango Screech
Mango would just not know what to say to the little filly as she'd just give her a hug an petted her mane softly as she'd try and think of what to do now. She really not wanting to ask about her burn mark or blinked eye... imagining that wouldn't be the best course of action... "I... umm... I'll tak... View More
Like September 4, 2019
velvet estelle blood velvet (smol ling filly}
o-ok miss" sniffled more shivers very cold and climbs up to you huggleing crying softly*
Like September 4, 2019
Mango Screech
Mango was just at a loss for words, but she'd just went along with it. Taking her back to her home and to her bath. Getting ready to at least give this filly a bath and a nice meal...
Like September 4, 2019
velvet estelle blood velvet (smol ling filly}
the fiily saw the water and started crying scared shakeing freezeing in fear*
Like September 4, 2019
Silver Shield
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Mango Screech
Hehe~ Glad you remember her!
Like July 22, 2019
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Mango Screech
*The mare just smiles! Holding her hooves open wide!* You may proceed to hug!
Like July 22, 2019
Silver Shield
Silver gives her a great big hug! Squeeeeze!
Like July 22, 2019
Mango Screech
Mango would hug back tight! Happily giggling as she was squeezed!
Like July 22, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Dream waves at her friends, , , , , , , , , , , , Shi... View More
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Sin Stealer
She dive rolls over to the batpony, roaring. "DID YOU BOOP ME!?"
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Mango Screech
The little mare was now trapped below the roaring creature on top of her. She very nervously and gently booping her again. "Umm... Y-yes?"
Like April 16, 2019
Sin Stealer
There's no sound except the rustling of wind before she pulls out a lemon and shoves it into the poor batpony's maw, before trying all four of her limbs up and leaving her dangling from a tree branch. It looks like this lady does not like being booped...
Like April 16, 2019
Mango Screech
Mango would be left confused more than anything, just struggling against the binds as she tasted pure lemon in her maw. Now she was just trapped in a tree, and was left helpless.
Like April 16, 2019
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Mango Screech
Hello!~ this is bat!
Like April 16, 2019
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Mango Screech
The mare would gasp and gave out a small giggle and purr, snuggling up as close to Abby as she could as her tail swayed~
Like April 16, 2019
She rubs her chin against the batpony adoringly, cooing. Precious!
Like April 16, 2019
Mango Screech
Mango would giggle and smiled happily towards Abby, happily rubbing her chin and nuzzling back against the mare~!
Like April 16, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Dream runs up to old friend to squeeze and smooch her before running back away giggling.
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Mango Screech
Mango would gasp as she'd suddenly see dream run up and hug her! the little smooch making her blush quickly before she'd quickly chase after the mare! giggling happily as she'd rush to return the favor!
Like April 3, 2019
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Mango Screech
Mango would gasp and gave a little whine as the mare managed to find her most ticklish spot! She was squirming and giggling wildly as Dream would attack the spot nonstop! The mare became like putty in her hooves as she'd eagerly continue to hold their gay little kiss!~ Though giggling wildly into it... View More
Like April 3, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Dream would continue their gay little kiss as much to Mango's heart's content, giggling into it as well but how long would she put herself through being tickled, hoof still wildly running through that ticklish spot she had with no signs of letting up.
Like April 3, 2019 Edited
Mango Screech
Mango would gasp and shivered as she'd start to quickly run our of breath as she'd give her all to making the gay kiss continued! Eagerly trying to distract the mare by exploring her body above the hips! Hoping to distract her!
Like April 3, 2019
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