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GentleHeart The MailMare

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on June 7, 2003
Earth Pony :)
Roleplay Availability
About Me
GentleHeart is a sensation seeker. If she see's a pony at the market who catches her eye and looks like they would make a wonderful friend? She will most likely ask them to be her pen pal. If she could, she would send all of her friends a letter every single day. No matter if she gets responses or not. It's her love language. Being attentive to her friends and letting them know she cares brings her joy. She's a little shy, but I'm sure she would love to be your friend too.
Roleplay Universe
Just the regular universe. Open to consider other ones.
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
No achievements
GentleHeart The MailMare
Fried Pickles.
1 person liked this.
Bright Brave
Fried in what?
Like September 13, 2024
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Bright Brave
What kind of oil
Like September 13, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
I have no clue.
Like September 13, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
Pickle oil.
Like September 13, 2024
5/10. It's a one-time carnival food at best.
Like September 13, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
I am too spoiled for just any fried pickle. I need those bad boys in spears and from one place only- Bj’s. MMM.
Like September 13, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
My work lanyard. Yeah.
3 people like this.
Bright Brave
Wow. Brutal.
Like September 11, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
Redraw of GentleHeart. This took forever. I love the color of her fur now. I had to use a warm filter because when I had finished coloring her I realized that ACTUALLY it was an UGLY color but I didn’... View More
6 people like this.
Bright Brave
Oops. I love the color and tube mane.
Like September 11, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
~ Bellaine GentleHeart's letter to her first filly pen pal, AppleJack. Dear AppleJack, This is my first time writing a letter to anyone other than my mother and father, so forgive me if my penmanshi... View More
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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GentleHeart The MailMare
GentleHeart's features morph into that of awe as the green pony descends in the large, green bubble. When it pops, her shoulders jump slightly in surprise but she quickly recovers from the initial shock. When he bows, she thinks, 'Well, perhaps I should bow too. It would be polite, I'd think. Just i... View More
Like September 7, 2024 Edited
Nitroxus Soulspins
I'm Nitroxus Soulspins and you are? Oh, I love your mane and tails coils. They are amazing. So, I'm here to help you if need me.
Like September 7, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
GentleHeart smiled as she trotted about Ponyville; Taking in the sights, feeling the crisp, autumn wind flowing through her mane as she went along delivering mail as she has always done. One by one, h... View More
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As she sat down, GentleHeart heard a soft "eep!" Next to her cowered a young breezie, way too young to be in Equestria. She shook in fear of the giant who had nearly squished her...
Like September 7, 2024
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"EEK!!" The breezie recoiled in fear from the nudge. But once she caught a whiff of GentleHeart's mane, she seemed more curious than frightened. " smell like red flower," she said in her tiny voice, with a thick Breezish accent.
Like September 9, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
GentleHeart beams happily at the little Breezie's words. "Why, Thank you. Now... What brings you so far from home, little thing?" The light yellow furred mare reaches out a gentle hoof to pat the Breezie's head as if trying to comfort them.
Like September 11, 2024
"...I get lost..." the breezie answered, cringing as she was headpat. "I went to Equestria because village is boring, I am? stuck here..." She looked up at GentleHeart as if to ask if her Ponish was good enough to understand.
Like September 12, 2024
Peach plum
Peach came trotting by, she sat down on a bench, tried from all the chores she had been doing up until now, she had an empty create tied to her back. That’s when peach noticed the other mare. “Working hard or hardly working?” Peach giggled teasing the mare a bit, giving off some small talk, Pesch l... View More
Like September 7, 2024
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Peach plum
Peach acknowledged her as best she could, and then her ear perked up at the name of the element of honesty. “How’d ya manage to begin writing to her? Ah heard she’s a bit difficult to make friends with, those lot are usually super busy.”
Like September 8, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
“I’m not too sure of the details.. but my parents put my name into a pen pal draw during filly school.. A chance for us to practice our writing as well as reach out to other fillies in neighboring towns. I just happened to draw her name and we only hit it off from there…” GentleHeart smiles fondly a... View More
Like September 8, 2024 Edited
Peach plum
“Ah only know her through her exploits as the element of honesty, she’s saved Equestria so many times! Ah commend her for her courage. Ah could never live up to something that big” peach states simply, “ah’m a simple farmer mare, ah run a peach farm all by mehself. The closest thing ah think ah’ve d... View More
Like September 8, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
“Oh, wow.. All by yourself..? That’s crazy how you maintain a farm all on your own! I think that is amazing.. and I don’t mind you not telling me where you’re from. That’s your business. I understand.” GentleHeart murmurs bashfully as she gets her ink out of her satchel to give writing AppleJack’s ... View More
Like September 8, 2024 Edited
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GentleHeart The MailMare
"Oh! Okay, miss. It was nice meeting you here." GentleHeart murmurs softly before her ears quickly perk up and she adds a little something before Peachie Plum can walk away. "My name is GentleHeart, by the way."
Like September 10, 2024
Peach plum
Peach turned around. She gave a wave and turned back continuing to walk away, at close inspection. Her entire body was toned. She wasn’t lying about being a farmer. That was for sure.
Like September 11, 2024
GentleHeart The MailMare
GentleHeart does in fact go 'Woooaaaaahhhaa?' inside her head (Strong ponies always get her all nervous and giddy). She also goes Wooooaaahhhhaaa? out loud subconsciously, which causes her to immediately go all red faced. She promptly grabs her post bag and gallops away. Already wondering what to wr... View More
Like September 11, 2024 Edited
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