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Nitroxus Soulspins Queen Opaline
*Nitroxus dove out of a train and rolled down the hill to the pony. He then stood up and smiled. He soon passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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so your the princess that's been giving dragons a hard time
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“Plz don’t be so hard on this dragon Mom!” Lily said flying down and stared at the dragon and back to her mom
gahh *is seemly disappeared to the other side the room* where you come form miss um
November 10, 2023
"Oh! Sorry to startle you Electro! I was invisible next to my mother here. "Looks at her mom *Lily shoots the evil pony a stern look* "Mother you know to be nice!!"Lily scowls at her mother:ss_angry:
November 10, 2023
that would explain it how i didn't detect you also you not going to question how a dragon seemly appeared on the other side of the room?
November 10, 2023
"Ehh its normal " I notice my mom with a evil grin "Oh No!! RUN!!!" I say running out of the castle "Get on my back Electro!" Lily says getting ready to teleport
November 10, 2023
*Nitroxus would ride on the back of a large tortoise. Upon arriving, he would wave and smile to the newcomer. Stepping down, he would bow to the creature.* Honor and Peace to you. Welcome to this wond... View More
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Ugh what a waste of time you do🙄 Opaline said taking his cutie mark
October 4, 2023
*Nitroxus would wince.* Hey, give me back my cutie mark. I worked hard for that!
October 4, 2023
*Opaline inorged the stallion and let out a big evil laugh before dissappesring*
October 5, 2023
Hey come back here you giant overgrown walking snow queen parody.
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