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Acid Fang

Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria.
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soundwave rented a log cabin for Christmas, and invited all his friends over. #rp
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Spins hopped in, shedding her disguise as soon as the door closed.
Like December 20, 2023
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soundwave put her down, and started for the kitchen.
Like December 20, 2023
Spins sat down on the floor.
Like December 20, 2023
a short while later soundwave came back, with enegergon for him, and food for spins.
Like December 21, 2023
Olive Drab
Oli shows up with a gallon jug of homemade eggnog "let's frickin' party!!"
Like December 20, 2023
soundwave would let him in.
Like December 20, 2023
Olive Drab
"WOOOOP!" He walks in, sporting his cheesey Mrs. Claus outfit
Like December 20, 2023
soundwave would look confused.
Like December 20, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
How did I get here?
Like December 20, 2023
Olive Drab
Internet Protocol v. 4
Like December 20, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait, I was teleported here? Through the internet?
Like December 20, 2023
Shifter Burnside
*pulls out a gmod.toolgun, sets it to delete and fires it at himself*
Like December 23, 2023
Olive Drab
Like December 24, 2023
"You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the present, But the future can never taint me. What am I?"
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Alder Pinedrake
A person in jail :>
Like October 18, 2023
History, as it exists in the past, it is created in the present through events and actions, but the future cannot change or alter it.
Like October 18, 2023
Like October 18, 2023
Like October 18, 2023
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Like October 18, 2023
Sprout hoofbumped Olive.
Like October 18, 2023
soundwave would open a groundbridge back to his cave, sadly and walk though
Like October 18, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would be shocked.* How did you even? Never mind, that answer is history. Much like a memory, it can be faded, formed yet never forced. So, how may I help you?
Like October 18, 2023
Acid Fang
*Acid Fang was hiding in a box in fear of the rain* #rp
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Sister Glowing Heart
She would add yet another box on top of their box! Surely this will double their protection!
Like October 16, 2023
Acid Fang
*Acid bleeps at the stranger in thanks before curling up in their box*
Like October 17, 2023
*pink used one of her wings to cover the box*
Like October 17, 2023
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Acid Fang
*Acid sneezed softly before petting blaze*
Like October 17, 2023
*blaze purrs*
Like October 17, 2023
Acid Fang
Like October 17, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would ride on the back of a large tortoise. Upon arriving, he would wave and smile to the newcomer. Stepping down, he would bow to the creature.* Honor and Peace to you. Welcome to this wond... View More
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Acid Fang
Are you tasty?
Like October 1, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait, what? I'm not food, or at least I don't think so.
Like October 1, 2023
Acid Fang
Lemme nibble
Like October 6, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Please don't.
Like October 6, 2023
Acid Fang
whyyyy??? *Pouts*
Like October 16, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Because I'm a sentient being, much like you? And deserve to not to be seen as food?
Like October 16, 2023
Acid Fang
*I hid under your bed as my eyes glowed faintly as I waited for the right time to come out and attack* #rp
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Sprout entered her hotel room and flopped down on her bed, exhausted from her day at work. "mfffff..."
Like September 30, 2023
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"Unhoof me, drone!" She pushed him away. "What do YOU care what happens to me?!"
Like September 30, 2023
Acid Fang
*His tongue flicks like a snake as he stares at her, disappointed before walking up to a window and opening it* Because I still have a heart. *He turned into pegasus before dashing out the window fast*
Like October 1, 2023
"...well...looks like it's time to move, then." She started packing up her things.
Like October 1, 2023
*she fell on her back by the bed after tripping on their modified paintball gun before it shot off exploding a bit on the wall*
Like September 30, 2023
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*she doesn't flinch* It takes a lot to spook me also hi.
Like October 1, 2023
Acid Fang
Hi! *He squealed*
Like October 1, 2023
Now what pray tell brought you to my humble abode? I mean not that I mind company but it's sometimes dangerous coming unannounced.
Like October 1, 2023
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