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Libra Rosewood

Female. Lives in Manehatten,  Equestria. Born on September 23, 1994
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Amy Callihan
"Thank you for accepting my token of friendship. Us demons welcome you. I am Dr. Brimstone Allimine at your service. If you are in need of medical assistance or just help in general feel free to catch... View More
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Libra Rosewood
"Oh, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Dr Brimstone, I am Libra Rosewood." She smiles in return, her eyes meeting his. "Thank you, I will keep you in mind if I am ever in need of medical attention." At his comment about his appearance, she looks over him, not exactly phased by him. "I have s... View More
Like June 20, 2018
Amy Callihan
He would have sighed a bit in relief. "That is good. My hospital is in Mane and it called... Brim's General Hospital. That being said I must take my leave. Busy, busy!" He would have turned and gone off before saying. "Don't be afraid to come in a simply say 'Hi!', Ms. Libra. It would be nice especi... View More
Like June 20, 2018
Libra Rosewood
"I will! We can never have too many friends Dr." Libra watches as he leaves, waving with a large smile on her face, her tail flicking behind her.
Like June 20, 2018