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Lunar Eclipse

Other. Lives in Cityville,  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on February 22, 1990
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus tied on a cape and flew to the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus aimed a cannon toward the pony and fired himself to them. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Bright Brave
WUBBA lubba dub dub
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Bright Brave
I’m calling out cause I miss them. :’(
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Bright Brave
Sorry I missed your birthday. Happy happy to you kiddo
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Bright Brave
Okay. Now it’s birth
Like February 22, 2021
Lunar Eclipse
thank you =D
Like February 22, 2021
Bright Brave
Like February 22, 2021
Maxh Vezpyre
~~ :heart::heart:
1 person liked this.
Lunar Eclipse
Do you ever fantasize about something stupid and crazy?
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Deleted Account
You mean like accidently being promoted to a moderator? Yeaaaah. That would be kinda crazy *Looks at*
Like February 14, 2021
Lunar Eclipse
I did accidentally banned myself from my own website once. you know who would make an excellent moderator Bright Brave
Like February 14, 2021
Sure do, especially during work, to help pass the time.
Like February 14, 2021
Rough Winds
I dream of becoming a vigilante and fixing the world by force but I know it would end poorly, real life is not a punisher comic
Like February 15, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
I keep hoping that one of these days I'll wake up into a king size deluxe bed in a huge room inside a mansion with a lovely view and fancy silk sheets, and my parents will be like "Good morning daughter, what's wrong why do you look so pale?" and I'd be like "I had this horrible nightmare that I was... View More
Like February 15, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Or god forbid, a mime
Like February 15, 2021
Bright Brave
Hi. I missed you. You’re amazing.
1 person liked this.
Lunar Eclipse
Florida friend ;-; you too
Like February 13, 2021
Bright Brave
Like February 14, 2021
Lunar Eclipse
You know what would make a good commercial? Take one of those dumb cartoon mascots like the coolaid guy, captain crunch, or mr. peanut or whatever and put them in a situation that gets way too real an... View More
4 people like this.
Depends on the ad really; In Austraila back in the day We had a ad called angel flight - delivered people out in the country to hospitals for important surgeries and medical services
Like October 10, 2020
Lunar Eclipse
Like October 10, 2020 Edited
Liath Mac Medb
Is the kool-aid man the koolaid in the pitcher or is he the pitcher itself?
Like October 10, 2020
Lunar Eclipse
Like October 10, 2020
Liath Mac Medb
Like October 10, 2020
Bright Brave
Oh yeah.
Like October 10, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
it’s a normal Cocoa Puffs commercial where the bird loses his mind. at the very end it’s all live-action, the man’s in a bird costume and straight jacketed as doctors offhandedly comment that he hasn’t been the same since his pet bird died.
Like October 10, 2020
Lunar Eclipse
Good lord
Like October 10, 2020
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar goes to In N’ Out, orders 8 burgers. Never leaves. Buys a house near In N’ Out. Starts turning burger colored.
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Deactive user
Borgar gurl
Like October 2, 2020
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