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Female. Lives in  Equestria. Born on March 12, 1993
Thestral (Aka. Batpony)
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hex is a young mare trying to find her place in this world, taking courses at college, while also balancing a gig as an amateur paranormal investigator! If there's something strange, in your neighborhood, who you going to call? Probably the police, unless that thing might be a ghost! Then you can ask Hex to look into it!
Roleplay Universe
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User Achievements
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus climbed down a tree and looked around to the threstral. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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“Hello, my name is Hex, someone paid me to be your personal tormentor for the day. I’m really excited to work with you, and hope you have a terrible time!” Hex says into your ear with a megaphone. #rp
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Polo Fastter
Sheep simply sit there chewing on carpet.
Like September 16, 2021
Hex pours extra spicy hot sauce on the carpet.
Like September 16, 2021
Polo Fastter
Sheep didn't even notice at it simply bites down on that spot.
Like September 16, 2021
Zev gently takes the megaphone from Hex and throws it in a dumpster.
Like September 16, 2021
Hex watches Zev silently, waiting till she was done before pulling out a second megaphone. “Always bring a spare when torturing!”
Like September 16, 2021
Tarsus of The Fourth Court
"ooooh! Fun~!" Tarsus exclaims excitedly "bring on the torture~"
Like September 16, 2021
Stardusk Strider
Stardusk picks up his phone and calls the company. "Hi, yeah? I don't like the current tormentor. Can I trade them for a new one?"
Like September 16, 2021
“If you don’t kiss your friends goodnight, are you even really friends?” Hex calls you out.
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Bright Brave
Amen. And gotta snuggle them.
Like September 15, 2021
“If you ain’t snuggling your homies, you’re heartless.”
Like September 15, 2021
Hex trips and drops her purse, spilling all of the spaghetti and meatballs she’d been storing in there! Today just wasn’t her day!
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Scotch stared at the spaghetti in awe and quickly dove at it, devouring the spaghetti as fast as they can
Like September 1, 2021
“Why the hell is everyone trying to eat my spaghetti!? Hello, just cause it’s on the sidewalk doesn’t mean it’s free!” Hex screams, and attempts to pummel him away with her purse.
Like September 1, 2021
They hissed like a cat and ran away on all fours, hiding in a nearby bush
Like September 1, 2021
You're peacefully sleeping, deep in some amazing dream; until Hex shows up and ruins it all. #rp
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Nitroxus Soulspins did you get into my bunker? Please let me know, I'm kind of worried now.
Like August 29, 2021
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Nitroxus Soulspins
Please don't break into my bunker again. I have to seal that hole.
Like August 29, 2021
“I can’t make a promises I won’t keep!”
Like August 29, 2021
Nitroxus Soulspins
Wait a sec....Have you been in my bunker before this?
Like August 29, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray wakes up and instantly turns around and starts beating Hex with a pillow.
Like August 29, 2021
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Hex peered out at Gray, giving an firm shake of her head! “Drop the pillow first, and then I’ll come out! And.. and tell me me where you stash your snacks, I’m having some late night cravings for something sweet!”
Like August 29, 2021
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray drops the pillow. “…” he squints his eyes suspiciously. “What kind of snacks?”
Like August 30, 2021
Hex cautiously pokes her head back out from under bed. “Chocolate.. good chocolate! With caramel!”
Like August 30, 2021
Scotch yawned and sat up, looking at Hex "Morning- Would you like cake?"
Like August 29, 2021
“In the morning? What the hell, that’s heinous!”
Like August 30, 2021
"Fine, more cake for me." they stood up and walked to their fridge, opening it and grabbing a slice of coffeecake
Like August 30, 2021
Charlie Gabriel Blaze
Fuck you >:(
Like August 29, 2021
>:) I am evil
Like August 30, 2021
Charlie Gabriel Blaze
Very, and u look like Peter Griffin
Like August 30, 2021
Deciding to be more creative and self-expressive, Hex has joined a small painting group that meets out in the city park to just paint and draw whatever the members wish. Sitting before her easel, Hex ... View More
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray somehow was at the same group. Unlike Hex, he wasn't having any trouble expressing himself through painting. He seemed to be very invested in his piece. Finally, he felt satisfied, so he turned the canvas around to show Hex with a big grin. "What do you think?"
Like August 28, 2021
Hex turns away from her blank canvas to gaze upon Gray's creation, her eyes going wide as she gasps softly, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as she just takes it all in. "Gray... wait.. Is that Carmine?" She finally asks, raising an eyebrow as reaches up to tap her chin. "Huh.. it is! I see it now, ... View More
Like August 28, 2021
Rough Winds
The anguished stallion
Like August 28, 2021
"This is your daily reminder to eat an apple, or the Doctors will get you."
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Polo Fastter
a green earth pony give Sheep a gun that uses apples and said "have fun killing doctors, lamb chops". "baaa baaa baaaa baaaaa baa baaaa" Sheep said as doom music started filling a building as it started firing the gun.
Like August 26, 2021
"I'm calling the cops."
Like August 26, 2021
Polo Fastter
"you can but, i have seen the other Sheeps appear if more then ten threats are in the area " Polo said as he shows his phone that had a live stream of the security camaras following Sheep as apples simply landed next to the doctors.
Like August 26, 2021
Spirit Weaver
"I mean that's not wholly true. Anything will keep a doctor away if you throw it hard enough."
Like August 26, 2021
"That's not wholly true.. what about, paper?"
Like August 26, 2021
Spirit Weaver
"Raw paper is just a tree. I could throw that and keep someone away"
Like August 26, 2021
Bright Brave
Bring it on.
Like August 26, 2021
Hex gives you a little morning motivation by surprising you on your way to work with some cheering and clapping, giving words of encouragement as well! Now she's following you, continuing to clap and ... View More
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Polo Fastter
Sheep simply watched Hex supporting them and tilled it head confuse about her clapping while it build a giant laser canon.
Like August 19, 2021
"Woo, yeah, build that.. thing.. WOOO!"
Like August 19, 2021
Silver Shield
Silver blinks slowly. "Did I... miss something?"
Like August 19, 2021
"You can figure it out, I believe in you!" Hex screams, throwing confetti now.
Like August 19, 2021
"I will break your hooves if you don't stop..."
Like August 19, 2021
"Give me a B!.. Give me a R!.. Give me an E!.. this is taking to long, woo! Break, break, break!" Hex screams and claps louder.
Like August 19, 2021
Zev gives Hex a disgusted stare and decides to walk faster.
Like August 19, 2021
There is no escape, Hex speeds up!
Like August 19, 2021
Hex waves you down and pulls you in close. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm just a figment of your imagination buddy. Yup.. I'm not real and you might be crazy! Anyways, good luck with that!"
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Ice Wisp
"Oh thank Celestia. This reminds me of the time Joe and I visited Charles Manson in prison!" Ice said before fading away into a cutaway gag.
Like August 16, 2021
"Hello, you have reached the voicemail box of *'How do I even work this.... oh, shit! Hex! It's Hex.. crap..Delete that.. no, delete! Gah, screw this junky piece of-'*, please leave a message after th... View More
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Stardusk Strider
"hello, my name is Stardusk Strider. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Like August 3, 2021
"Huh, I don't remember killing anyone's dad." Hex says after hearing the message.
Like August 4, 2021
Mina May Marzipan
"Rents due next week"
Like August 3, 2021
Hex starts dousing her apartment in gasoline!
Like August 4, 2021
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