Roleplay Availability
About Me
((As the mod, I tend to kinda come and go from CA, I'm much more active on Discord, but I typically won't answer anyone I don't know, so good luck with that. I've been increasingly active lately, which always has a chance of being changed. I usually only come back when I'm in the mood to rp. Keep that in mind.))
Roleplay Universe
Modernized MLP
Roleplay Type
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Nicolas (Nico) Rown
Wow your girlfriend is a good artist! Complement her for me, will you?
March 30, 2021

Ranua Savara
She really is! Thank you, I'll make sure to pass the word along. 🥺🙏
April 1, 2021
Lune had typed the last few words into her blog post, before tapping the publish button, and with that, her Alex Jones-esque blog was complete; "What is meaningless, mainstream bullshit, and why you s... View More
5 people like this.
Twisted reads the blog post and then at the very end he would type "tldr" a true asset to the community
Lune gingerly bashes through Twisted's door, trying to act as casual as possible.... Yenno, when you're breaking into someones house? "It was shit to write anyways. I wanted to prove to a friend that something could be written without knowing anything about it. They didn't say it had to be good!"
Lune simply stuck her hooves out in front of her, as if she'd were about to start explaining something. "Aliens!"
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here. And I know you are not new. *He smiled at them.*
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I like it. I like it a lot. Adorable.
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