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Rosemary Russet

Female. Lives in Sweet Apple Acres,  Ponyville,  Equestria.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Canon Equestria
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Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Company, Organization, or Institution » Community Organization
Brand or Product » Website
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
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Aidan: Wow! who are you? You must be another princess! I've never heard of you...*a silvery gray alicorn (stallion) gets close to Lyoko and observes her wings and horn, then stepping back to gaze into... View More
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Rosemary Russet
Startled by the strange stallions sudden appearance in front of her Lyoko stepped back cautiously. "Oh, uh, yes hello sir." Her front hoof raised up in front of her as if prepared to push him away if he got too close. She looks away from him, a bit freaked out by the gray stallion. "Can I help you w... View More
Like April 23, 2019
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A: he nods at her words* Wise words indeed... And I must say it is true... You know, I always thought Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Cadence were the only ones really who were a princess... Never really heard your name in the books
Like April 23, 2019 Edited
Rosemary Russet
Lyoko's brows raised once more, glaring at him, "Are you trying to suggest something?" She narrowed her eyes at him, "I've never heard of you either so be mindful of your next words. I earned my wings just as much as Twilight earned hers. You don't need to know my story." Moving carefully she turned... View More
Like April 23, 2019
A: i wasn't trying to suggesting anything, it's just Luna never told me anyone about you, nor anyone else. I know you earned your wings, and you probably did something honorable. And you AREN'T supposed to hear about me, because I was supposed to be hidden, else i'd be put under a microscope by othe... View More
Like April 23, 2019 Edited
Rosemary Russet
Lyoko ignored the stallion as he carried on. Maybe it's a good thing that he wasn't supposed to be known about. He was rather intrusive and it annoyed her. 'Not asking for my story yet he just needed to know why I wasn't in the history books, yet I told him. What a character.' she thought to herself... View More
Like April 28, 2019
O: The alicorn stallion's eyes grew wide and he shook his head* oh no, i'm not with him, not anymore. And he's not usually like this really *he looks off, still angry with Aidan* Something is really wrong... Usually he isn't o pushy or ... I don't know... Something is just off *he closes his eyes an... View More
Like April 29, 2019