Queen Blu Moon
Is this group still active?
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Hi, I probably seen or missed this on PS. Welp, you got your first alicorn milkmare here. :3
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*enters the clubhouse and starts cooking up some food*
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Like out of nothing? Hmmm...gimme a sec. *teleports out of the Alicorn Clubhouse for a sec & then returns with a stack of books* I have these resources on how some ponies were created in a lab. A lot of them are filled with old news reports as well as my own personal investigations...mostly because ... View More
July 31, 2018
Not a problem at all. You can keep them if you want. Been trying to get rid of those for months. Have no use for them anyway.
July 31, 2018
The large stallion snores under a big pile of books and scrolls.
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*looks in* Yo...anypony up?
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Ah. Well I'll leave you to it. Sorry for bothering ya. *walks away* Anyone else?
Princess raised eyebrows, "Theres a club for alicorns... honestly" she rolls her eyes before sitting down.
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