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Lovinity Hearts
// Greetings! It's been a long while since I touched the fandom. This group has been inactive for a while, but thought I'd share some thoughts regarding Ponysquare. I'm going to keep it general and ma... View More
10 people like this.
//Didn't the admin take donation money and run with it? Or am I thinking of another site?
Like January 26, 2024
Lovinity Hearts
// So I hear someone took the donation money, but don't know who it was.
Like January 26, 2024
its so surreal seeing you post here when i remember seeing your profile on ps1/ps2, definitely some nostalgia attached there hahaha. hope all has been well with you irl
Like January 29, 2024
Lovinity Hearts
// Haha, I was never on ps1. I joined after they split into two sites. But yes good to see you too. IRL is a bit wishy washy but I'm hanging in there overall. Hope all is well with you.
Like January 30, 2024
Indiana Hoofs
//i vaguely remember you.....I think...As i was on staff for a while too, to what degree i dont remember, but, yes, it was filled with its many dramas and bad eggs, but, It was also full of good people, ish
Like January 30, 2024
Lovinity Hearts
// Lol I feel that... lots of good people but not quite the best place
Like February 28, 2024
Syncopate Symphony
I loved ponysqyare in the couple years i was there. Even met my best friend, Dusk on there! Aside from a few wierdos, ive never really understood what "drama" people are talking about. Would somebody care to enlighten me? PMs are fine, if you dont wish to open old wounds for people on here.
Like February 25, 2024
Lovinity Hearts
// Honestly I don't remember half of it but I know there was a lot. Aside from the good people there, I've met many bad apples... people looking to cause trouble, ERP with you just for the sake of the E part, and so on. There was also drama within the staff. I particularly butted heads badly with th... View More
Like February 28, 2024 Edited
//From what I heard, many things were really bad. Predators running amok nonchalantly because the staff itself knew but didn't want to do anything about it. Terrible leadership and even worse, someone in the staff stole all the funds and ran away with them or something like that. Someone explained m... View More
Like February 29, 2024
I found a recent twitter post from the old owner of Pony^2. Thought id share.
Polo Fastter
(Heard awhile ago there was a funeral for Polo in Ponysquares in the chatroom awhile ago. Was wondering if anyone got screenshots of it.)
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Nitroxus Soulspins
//Wait, what? Who would do that, and why?
Like January 29, 2024
Polo Fastter
(It from when I vanished on PS, apparently people thought I was dead and I was pretty active during the time.)
Like January 29, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
//Darn, I wish I could help. Yet, I barely used the chatrooms on PS.
Like January 29, 2024
Polo Fastter
Like January 29, 2024
Indiana Hoofs
//Why do i recognize you too!? dont remember a funeral tho
Like January 30, 2024
Polo Fastter
(usually am a guy.)
Like January 30, 2024
//Huh, it's weird to see this place. I didn't really get to know what happened to PS. I was there before it was split into bronysquare and ponysquare, and then didn't go back because... reasons... Can... View More
4 people like this.
When PS shut down, i was relatively in the dark when it comes to drama, mainly because i kept my nose out of it. But hearing what others have said, really makes me feel ill about it. I have some good memories about the site, but the bad stuff is definitely really bad.
Like October 6, 2023
Cole Shadows
I RPed in Ponysquare very extensively as a young teenager. It was my introduction to writing and quickly became an escape for me. I had a relative name in the community, and made some of my favorite memories writing some of the cringiest material to ever greet the world wide web. Amy pretty much h... View More
Like October 6, 2023
//It does really sound awful. Thank god that place is done for. Too bad the damage is already done. It always saddens me to read testimony of users that were children or teenagers and had traumatic experiences within the fandom. I was already at college when FiM aired for the first time, so of cours... View More
Like October 6, 2023
Commander Zach
//I was slowly splitting away from it all in general. At first happy and fun with better understanding of my own grammar. Remember back then we'd call them grammar na-zis because of how uptight they were about it, really uptight, disrespectful, even trying to tell ya off about it. I made a few of th... View More
Like October 7, 2023
Maxh Vezpyre
I once got banned in PS because I called one of the mods there a "Stinky peepeepoopoo". They did me a favor I think. I often complain about the sensitivity of people but PS was like.... Goku Kamehameha times 50 sensitive egotripping blast. It was funny tho.
Like October 8, 2023
Commander Zach
That actually reminds me the times when the rps I did with some people they'd do characters like that lol. Dragon ball Z pony version.
Like October 8, 2023
Indiana Hoofs
//insert "Memories" by Weezer here
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Cally Ber
//The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang
Like August 5, 2023
Prince Silver
//The Count of Tuscany - by Dream Theater
Like August 18, 2023
Nyinx D'Lune
Like August 30, 2023
Celtic Cross
// Thnks fr th Mmrs
Like November 9, 2023
Ashley Dargon
//'s been a hot minute...LOL ain't been here since...2018? forgot this place existed//
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Like July 11, 2023
Like July 11, 2023
Indiana Hoofs
//i forgot this group existed xD
Like July 23, 2023
Thrum Beat
Who summoned a defibrillator to this place
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Commander Zach
We did
Like June 12, 2023
We didn't start the fire
Like June 12, 2023
Thrum Beat
Comp you did start the fire
Like June 12, 2023
Polo Fastter
I did
Like June 12, 2023
Celtic Cross
He did ^
Like June 14, 2023
Like June 12, 2023
Thrum Beat
Like June 12, 2023
Like June 12, 2023
Thrum Beat
Like June 13, 2023
Does anyone remember me or an old friend of mine who went by Crooked Cross or Eli Boone?
3 people like this.
Eli boone sounds familiar, do you have a pic?
Like April 4, 2023
Only thing I could come up with, hes the one on the left. Was hoping to run into him around here to apologize.
Like April 5, 2023 Edited
What happen
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Event happen
Like April 3, 2023
Shadow Dust
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Like April 3, 2023
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