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Mina May Marzipan

Female. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. 24 years old
by on October 19, 2020
I can feel a string pulling me in a display case someone built for me. I'm youthful here forever and with that comes beauty and impurity. Dancing in my heart a clock ticks to the same beat. Each beat is a second on the clock and every second the clock beats faster. I dance in excitement over this clock echoeing in my vacant head. Everything had moved from my limbs, all the blood pumping to and back to my heart. The repeated rhythm goes faster. And for that, a heart becomes fragile. Smother it ...
307 views 3 likes
by on May 18, 2020
. I want it all I want your love to fill my heart I want your soul to devour My discontent if you refuse ...
297 views 5 likes
by on March 11, 2020
Here befallen angel Wings of black and green Her scent of rain-watered roses Her doll eyes of eternal beauty ...
312 views 3 likes
by on February 16, 2020
A dark sky void of stars blinded me in my natural appeal I've seen this show a thousand times in a different light some time before The repetition is unnerving Finding itself inside of me yet again ...
364 views 11 likes
by on January 18, 2020
After releasing all her anger, Mina had been left with a heart of sadness, she uses this as inspiration to write a second poem, following a first about rain, hoping a more playful tone would help her to feel better. One day I had a pet storm cloud It was dark and thundery and really loud I've been crying all day Because my storm cloud just wouldn't go away ...
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by on January 18, 2020
Mina's been feeling really down lately. She's been spending a lot of time alone and needed to write her feelings out on paper. She was stuck between a mix of exasperation and melancholy, both controlled the quill in her hooves. Thumping Thumping In my brain I feel your warmth douse my body And comfort me until I smile wide from cheek to cheek ...
316 views 0 likes
by on November 15, 2019
Mina lays across her bed. Peacefully fallen asleep. Her quill rested onto the paper in the little pink book in which she wrote out her thoughts: Imagination is my bestie! Silly string makes a mess everywhere It's sticky and gooey and gets in my hair We did dress up and dancing and other fun things ...
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by on October 24, 2019
Though it's universally believed that the mare has a childish and absent mind, Mina's new hobby says otherwise. She finds that writting them down in the form of poetry a great way to release her own thoughts; those too personal for her to write in a journal. Even if no one quite understands the meanings, Mina still picks up her quill. Onto paper the colour of snow, in a cute little pink book, the mare found sometime to be alone, so she could confess her feelings as shown: A brave little kitten ...
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