To whom it may concern:
I have noticed a serious issue during my time living in Equestria. It's great, with the visits to Fillydelphia and Ponyville and Appleloosa, all those places; but why is there such a big lack of insects? I don't mean the kind wandering around places and getting in areas they shouldn't, I mean the kind that are in honey shops. ...Honey shops? You don't know those either? The ones with the glittering outside and an inside full of honeycomb-like structures built by our fr...
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This is Pitaya, the fruit bat that has moved into Equestria rather recently. It's my first time writing to you, Celestia and Luna, if you ever receive my message! Oh, but no time for introduction, this is a very serious matter.
You see, outside of my home, just about every day since I moved here, there has been a mysterious crocodile who dawdles about like he's looking for something. He has big, beady eyes, a little creepy actually, and a tongue that's always hanging out for your identificati...
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