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Pitaya Dragonfruit
by on January 23, 2019
To whom it may concern:
I have noticed a serious issue during my time living in Equestria. It's great, with the visits to Fillydelphia and Ponyville and Appleloosa, all those places; but why is there such a big lack of insects? I don't mean the kind wandering around places and getting in areas they shouldn't, I mean the kind that are in honey shops. ...Honey shops? You don't know those either? The ones with the glittering outside and an inside full of honeycomb-like structures built by our friends, the Changelings. The ones where there are shelves floor to ceiling, chalked full of candied crickets, wasp-wing necklaces, and chocolate cockroaches galore. The amazing colors reflecting off of beetle shells used to decorate picture frames. The ones, which are especially my favorite, with a bowl of honey that you can dip your insects in. Doesn't that sound great? Doesn't it? So why, might I ask, does Equestria have a crippling lack of Honey shops? It is a problem I will take straight to the countesses of Trotsylvania, for sure. The citizens of Hollow Shades deserve their caramel-coated praying mantis legs!
Your dearest new Equestrian,
- Pitaya Dragonfruit
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