*The royal archivist returns once again to the cities library and royal archive for another entry to add to the royal records he sat down and uses his horn to begin writing in a new blank tome*
"Since my last entry, much change has come to not just the city but to all of the Frozen North region as well by order of our liege the monarchy that has been the ruling government of New Coltenheim and by extension The Frozen North has been reorganized into The Great Houses of the North. This came abo...
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*The royal archivist returns once again to the cities library and royal archive for another entry to add to the royal records he sat down and uses his horn to begin writing in a new blank tome*
"In the months following the return of magic to Equestria, thanks to Sunny Starscout and the harmony crystals prosperity has returned to the city of New Coltenheim and the Frozen North country yet despite this new dawn the prince has been pondering about how did magic fade from Equestria, to begin with...
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No pony knows what has become of Solaris's only son the mother passed away after childbirth and then taken in and raised by cherry's long time friend Sky a blue pegasus. Northern Equestria was now ruled by the crystal empire with Cadence and Shining armor as their rulers. The city coltenheim and the lands surrounding it were abandoned and unpopulated save for a few dragons that lived in the mountains. The years passed and now Princess Twilight Sparkle now rules Equestria which has become more di...
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In the darkness a door opens as light shines into a massive library "I been witness to many things" said the mysterious pony in his thoughts "death....war......peace and most of all treachery and now I look back on my bloodline realizing that we came so far and fought for something that started small then turned into something bigger" he continues to walk down the halls of the library as he trots over to a large thick and dusty book titles "history of Northern Equestria and bloodlines of prince...