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Roleplay Universe
From Applewood, Equestria, but she travels all over.
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Nitroxus Soulspins SapphireStar
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would pass them a large gift.* Happy Birthday to you!
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*Nitroxus slowly floated down from using gossamer wings on his arms. He landed in front of the pony. He smiled as he passed a gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on a magical flying paintbrush that was making a trail of rainbow paint. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Sapphire squealed with glee and opened the gift, practically shrieking in delight as it revealed a berry lemon cheesecake.*
January 7, 2020
*Nitroxus smiled to her.* Glad to be of service to you. I hope you like it.
*With cheesecake and crumbs all over her face* I LOOOOOOOOOOVE it!
January 13, 2020
Well that is good. See you around. *He rode back on his paintbrush.*
January 14, 2020
*nightshade goes over and lays next to sapphire giving her a kiss on the cheek as he does so*
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(I got mixed up! I thought Nightrose was an assassin who used her shop as a front? If she's a royal guard commander Hero would definitely know her by sight, at least. O_O Permission to re-write Hero's response? It's my fault for misunderstanding >_<)
(thats okay, permission granted. hopefully this will help clear up the misunderstanding i caused, unofficially night rose is an assassin, officially she is a royal guard commander, this is what is used as her front, she will be at the castle sometimes on defensive guard duty so thats she is seen and... View More
February 19, 2020
(Ah, ok! Thanks for clearing that up. And just some info on my end; Hero's father was a castle guard named Silver Blade who was killed during the changeling invasion while trying to save others. I leave it to you whether or not Nightrose or Nightshade would have heard of him. Hero knows many of the ... View More
(night rose most likely has from somewhere, and she also took part in defending canterlot from the changeling invasion)
February 20, 2020
Nightrose; she's a guard commander. *Hero clarifies.*
*Sapphire whispers to Nighshade behind one hoof* Who do you think would win a stare-down- Hero or Nightrose? I’m kidding! *She laughs as Hero raises one eyebrow.* I bet she’s secretly very nice, just like her brother.
*nightshade chuckles and whispers back in sapphires ear, which causes it to tickle a bit* she is secretly nice but she is reserved and can come of as cold though she would probably win against hero in a staring contest
*Sapphire giggles and swats playfully at Nightshade as her ear twitches.* She and Hero sound like two peas in a pod. If they ever get together we'll have to go along for conversation or nopony will say two words together.
*night shade smiles at sapphire and nods in agreement, then hugs her and holds her close* i couldn't agree more
*Hero looks on with obvious discomfort; he never knows how to handle the sort of lovey-dovey behavior of couples.* Commander Nightrose has an unusual schedule. She must come out here to visit you often. *He says this as much from discomfort at being third wheel than anything, but Hero has always bee... View More
*night shade nods whilst still holding sapphire close* she deos visit when she can, though it always depends on her schedule. She always comes here original visits my other younger sister or mother every holiday
*Nitroxus bounced on a pogo stick toward the pony. He then smiled as he stopped. He soon passed a large gift over to the pony.* Happy Birthday!
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Oop! *She let go, blushing a bit* Sorry about that! *As further apology, she dusted off his emerald green coat, then stood back and regarded him with a bit of a lopsided smile.* I'm just so excited, you know... I could really put this thing through its paces. What would you like for your birthday?
January 5, 2019
I have no idea. But if you do get me something, I will like it regardless. Well, I best be going.
January 6, 2019
Thank you again, Mr. Soulspins! I promise not to catapult any jell-o at your house!
January 7, 2019
*Nitroxus bowed* I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Welcome to Canterlot Avenue :D
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Oh! ok! I'll go see if there's a FAQ (so as not to bother you with endless questions. I'm a bit of a dipstick.) Thanks!
nah don't worry, feel free to ask stuff, im one of the admins around here ^~^ im always there to help new users
April 20, 2018
Oh, ok! Mostly I was wondering about "roleplay universe", and also if I can have multiple characters, or if I must play as my current avatar? I'm not quite ready to start anything yet, but I would like to know if, for instance, crossovers are allowed?
April 20, 2018
roleplay universe is easy to explain, there is the canon one, which is actually directly like the show, and the adapted which you can see as a alternative reality, there it doesn;t have to follow the canon of the show, and yes, multiple characters are allowed, yet at the moment its not allowed to ma... View More
April 20, 2018
Ah, ok. So I could play with any of my characters via this account? (No worries about flooding anyone with ocs; I have three at most.) I'll have to see how they would fit in first.
April 20, 2018
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