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Snow Storm · PR Team Lead / Administrator

“Palestine will be free.”

Female. Lives in  Vanhoover,  Equestria. Born on October 20, 1997
by on December 4, 2024
Good tidings, everypony! December 4th marks another anniversary for Canterlot Avenue, being our 7th year running. We are happy to still be here and be a space for all our wonderful users to express themselves and have fun role play experiences. Thank you all for your presence and without you, we simply wouldn’t exist. With that being said, we’d like to continue hosting your adventures and we’re slowly but surely working to improve with time. Development this year has given us a new dice roll ...
237 views 26 likes
by on February 2, 2024
318 views 18 likes
by on December 4, 2023
Today, Canterlot Avenue Development is proud to celebrate the site’s six year anniversary! From cons to dice, from hats to artificial intelligence, it’s been an exhilarating past 12 months full of change, new developments, and exciting plans upon which we’d like to reflect. As always, we wouldn’t have been able to stick around without you users. Whether you’re fresh or you’re one of the founding few, we can not thank you enough for being a part of our community. First and foremost, the admin...
417 views 24 likes
by on December 3, 2018
Hello dearest users! It is Canterlot Avenue’s anniversary since it was opened last year. To celebrate, we’ve come with a wonderful present for you all today. Some of you may have heard the news of multiple character profiles coming out and we are happy to inform that they are now officially implemented into Canterlot Avenue for users to use! Along with this new application, we have also created subscription tiers that allow users to join up with a monthly payment to Canterlot Avenue and obtai...
1k+ views 28 likes
by on October 2, 2018
The offical teams list is here: If you're not happy with your assigned team, comment on this blog and state which team you would like to swap into. We hope that some one will wish to swap teams with you. If the unlikely circumstance that no one swaps - PR will have to weight the scores in order to make the teams even.
963 views 6 likes
by on September 29, 2018
If you do not want to constantly see this at the top of the feed, please hide the post. Thank you![/u][/b] [br] [br] — Zecora [br] ...
1.5k+ views 20 likes
by on September 2, 2018
[br] This little Arctic pony has a very long and troubling tail. Due to the circumstance of their mother's family history, Snow Storm was born with an entity known as a Windigo attached to them. Because of their plains of existence being intertwined, their death became prolonged as long as the Windigo stayed with them. They out lived all who they knew, and grew quite lonely during their existence. Death is not inevitable, and they could in fact be killed. But like a zombie, Snow Storm rose ...
665 views 17 likes
by on August 31, 2018
Jump time forward and Princess Luna was banished for her tyranny. The land again shattered and fell into dispute. Princess Luna, although not a favoured leader, definitely had influence over the folk who converted to the nocturnal life. Thieves grew violent in the streets and bandits became merciless as a protest to the loss of their essential goddess. To defend themselves, Snow Storm grew meaner and brutal with the council of her Windigo, Ahote. Snow Storm obeyed because she did not know wh...
428 views 5 likes
by on August 30, 2018
Does any pony remember the time back before life in Equestria was full of equality and nourishment? She remembers. At least.. Vaguely. Back then, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fought together to defeat Discord, ceasing his tyranny and torment across the realm. Alas, what was left of Equestria resembled a lifeless husk of sadness and decay. The state of farms, to homes, to life itself was almost unthinkable to bring back from Discord's blight. It was only through perseverance and the ...
418 views 7 likes
by on April 12, 2018
I thought I ought to jot down some concept of the mascot personalities to help those few who are participating in the writing contest! is a happy go lucky mare. She takes things as they come and enjoys the warmth of friends and family. She's optimistic, with a glass half full type of logic. 'Sunny' as ponies like to call her, likes to be helpful towards strangers, and is likely known to donate quite a lot to charities as well as volunteer at animal shelters and soup kitchens for homeless poni...
417 views 9 likes