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Flasher Bolt

Male. Lives in  Cloudsdale,  Equestria. Born on January 14, 2002
Alicorn(at Birth)
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Flasher Bolt
Social data is information that's collected from social media platforms. It shows how users view, share and engage with your content. On Facebook, social media data includes numbers of likes, increase... View More
1 person liked this.
Lavender Dawn
Why are you randomely posting a definition lol.
Like May 21, 2020
Flasher Bolt
and Did you know you are always paying for social media? they collect your personal information to advertised based on your interest
Like May 21, 2020
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Advertisers need to target their ads specifically to users who are most likely to buy them. They want to be efficient with their money so their advertising doesn't lead to a loss of money. It's how free sites work
Like May 21, 2020
Lavender Dawn
Yea. I mean thats the main way sites like facebook earn there upkeep. Like it or not but Data has become an extremely valuable comoditity. This is not exactly new information. But i suspect its going to start raising some (more) ethical and legal quesitons in the future.
Like May 21, 2020
Regardless of legality, the vast majority of people don't care that site owners and advertisers have computers spying on them to calculate the best ads to show them. They're still using these sites Big social media sites can just hire $mil lawyers to think up convincing excuses to stay legal. Besid... View More
Like May 21, 2020 Edited