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Snow Storm
I would like to address those who consider themselves an artist in some way. Whether that be traditional drawing, digital, music producing, photography and so o... More
Snow Storm
added new photos to her album "CA Mascot art/fanart"
Entry by Prince Carey to the 2017 Festive Art Contest.
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Nova Space
3 people like this.
That scared the shoes off me... Nice pic tho.
Like December 16, 2017
Hello there, Deku lookalike! :D
Like December 16, 2017
Raven Sorrel
Deku face on hors bod?
Like December 16, 2017
Nova Space
this came out before!
Like December 17, 2017
Rough Winds
So here is a quick remake of a drawing for an old friend, just a quick lightning test.
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curse carrier
aw. pretty
Like December 14, 2017
curse carrier
this may not be pony art but its somethng recent..... how are they?
1 person liked this.
Velvet Night shameless self promo because i need the money (also i know it says points but i'll take paypal too)
curse carrier
im not the best artist but here you go.....
1 person liked this.
Snow Storm
Wowwo! That character looks so cool!
Like December 6, 2017
curse carrier
thank you. its supposed to be a bunny mecha black lantern
Like December 6, 2017
Snow Storm
I love mecha and robot characters. Really love it's design c:
Like December 6, 2017
curse carrier
thank you thats really nice. i draw other stuff but i cant d that right now.
Like December 6, 2017
Xanderian Dusk
"Pie for Lunch" with Moonlight Sontana, (a merged version of the mascot cuties
2 people like this.
Snow Storm
Wowo! You went with the name I suggested! Such a sweet combination~
Like December 5, 2017
Xanderian Dusk
Of course I did! It sounds so elegant and playful <3
Like December 5, 2017
5 people like this.
Snow Storm
Oof that's so pretty!
Like December 4, 2017
Ahhh, thank you ;~;
Like December 4, 2017
damn, fantastic work !
Like December 5, 2017
Thank you!
Like December 5, 2017
Xanderian Dusk
Would I be allowed to possibly attempt to make a fusion fan art piece of the mascots?
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Snow Storm
Oh my gosh, that would be beautiful.
Like December 4, 2017
Xanderian Dusk
So I can? Schweet!
Like December 5, 2017
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