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Group Info
Snow Storm
I would like to address those who consider themselves an artist in some way. Whether that be traditional drawing, digital, music producing, photography and so o... More
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Velvet Night
Hey! Since its the holiday season, everything on my commission list is half off!!! And if theres a human example, please know i do ponies as well!! View More
Tis an art.
11 people like this.
This is good art
Like December 5, 2017
You are a good pony ~
Like December 5, 2017
Snow Storm
I haven't seen much of your art, Saphira. Would this happen to be something you drew? Because- gosh damn its gorgeous!
Like December 5, 2017
Yup! This is the only newish pony art I have so far since I recently got back into the fandom, and thanks!! ^.^
Like December 5, 2017
Snow Storm
Wow!! Do you have an art page, like a dA? Could you post that?
Like December 5, 2017
night shade
you doing commissions?
Like November 12, 2018
Novera Thunderstrike
Does fanfiction count as art?
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Yes. Thought keep in mind if i take a dump on a peace of paper, and give it a name. it's art to. google Piss Christ if you don't believe me
Like March 9, 2018
Novera Thunderstrike
Like March 9, 2018
Twilight Schwifty
I am having adopts . They need to be out by end of February
Schwoopy Tail
Entry by Acry Weaver for the 2017 Festive Art Contest.
11 people like this.
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
Yay mine is finally posted here XD I was so tempted to share around Christmas
Like January 9, 2018
Schwoopy Tail
Sorry we uploaded it so late! We've been having some issues. We had to downscale it a little as it was simply too packed with holiday spirits (and filesize).
Like January 9, 2018 Edited
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
That’s understandable XP It was originally even wider so I had to move the ponies closer together o.o
Like January 9, 2018
Schwoopy Tail
Gather round everyone~ T'is the season.
Like January 9, 2018
Schwoopy Tail
added new photos to their album "CA Mascot art/fanart"
Entry by Syncenator for the 2017 Festive Art Contest.
1 person liked this.
Schwoopy Tail
added new photos to their album "CA Mascot art/fanart"
Entry by Hickory for the 2017 Festive Art Contest.
Schwoopy Tail
added new photos to their album "CA Mascot art/fanart"
Entry by Tulip for the 2017 Festive Art Contest.
1 person liked this.
Schwoopy Tail
added new photos to their album "CA Mascot art/fanart"
Entry by Queen Chrysalis to the 2017 Festive Art Contest.
1 person liked this.
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