
Sketchy Canvas
(( I think I should add in artwork head-shot of her answering questions. ))
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"Ask a tsundere artist? Hmmm, are you able to make a terrifying t-sundae mare?
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"... Ha, so funny. Acorn-y joke. You deserve an award for being the best comedian. What's the award? /A punch to the nuts./"
"Yay!' He cheered happily, clapping his hooves together, "works for me."
What in the world would get a stallion like him all excited?
He brought out a large bowl of walnuts, looking to her with expectations, "I need these nuts punched so I can remove the shell."
February 14, 2018
Sketchy just stared blankly towards the stallion, who thinks she meant the opposite.
He'll be a rude awakening.
She lifts up a hoof expecting to follow orders, knocking the bowl to the side in such force, facial expression never changed. "Find another mare who'll do your order. And wrong. I meant,... View More
Silver just blinks his eyes to the mare, as if totally oblivious to what's on her mind, "Is walnuts too tough to punch?"
He then frowns as he watches the bowl of walnuts was scattered to the floor. He worked hard to gather them, but it seems to be the least of his worries.
"Why would you want to d... View More
February 14, 2018
The amount of oblivious is astonished... in clear words plus clear voice and yet nothing? What level of naive is this stallion at? That deserve a facehoof.
Clearly... he hasn't met anypony opposite of a nice or gullible perspective.
"If continue to be annoying, I take matters into my own hooves."... View More
Silver either seem really oblivious or doesn't really respond to her threats quite the way she would like it. Frustration ensures!
"Need a treat?" He spoke with a soft smile, offering a yummy chocolate chip cookie.
February 14, 2018
"I'm outta here." Her ears flatten, face drop from by not.... there this stallion was. If it's like she's actually arguing with a soft person who never had his dose of reality in forever.
She had better things to do rather than fight up against a brick wall.
''Do you know the way?''
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What is the best flavor of ice cream in your opinion?
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"Good choice, anything except coffee flavored was acceptable."
Do you draw because you like me or something?
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"Well then... your question and logic is stupid. First, I don't know you nor will I ever want to. Second, I draw because I'm an artist, A-R-T-I-S-T. I draw because it's my talent. I DRAW because I enjoy being creative."
February 1, 2018
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