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Commander Wyatt Ryder
by on August 27, 2019
At this point, I'm forcing it on you, but here's part... Err... 7? Part 7 of storytime. IN BLOG FORM!!!
So... Last night I was partaking in [SUBSTANCE REDACTED] at our OC's leaving party (Officer in Command, not the RP OC meaning :P) and I was reminded by some of the lads of some of the mad shit we used to get up to. Like back when we used to proper insult each other. I mean when I say insults it was fucking brutal. One guy once left the Mess crying and never came back to the Army again, that's how bad it got. Had to learn to take it on the chin and crack on.
That was more of a side note I was reminded of though
SO... We were on Ops... Err... Where was it... Burma...? Belgium? Fuck I can't remember where we were. It was said last night, but it's all a bit fuzzy...
Anyway, the RSM had paid for a stand up comedian and a girl band to entertain the lads for the night. The stand up came on, doing his routine. One of the lads stand up to go the toilet, and the comedian starts giving him loads, so one of our guys, Tony, starts giving this guy loads back, then another lad joins in. They go back and forth a bunch when this comedian just snaps and says 'Well, I'm getting paid anyway.' and goes to leave when the entire Regiment just fucking stands in synch, don't ask me how, and yells "SO ARE WE!" as he left.
So then, the girl band comes on and starts singing. And by this point, our lads are wanting to go on the sesh, so it starts getting whispered around 'Goin' town?' 'Meet up in town?' etc. So... One by one, to the RSM... "Just goin' the toilet, sir." boom vanished. In trickles and bits, the entirety of the Company had just left the room, exception being the Mancs. The RSM finally realises that it's almost barren and is like 'Where the fuck is everyone...?' as this girl band sings to a room 90% empty (I was fucking stuck there cause I was needed right after this was over on base) then the fucking Mancs, realising the scousers had fucked off just went 'fuck this.' and all left as well. So there's me and about 4 people left including the RSM while this band is still singing xD.
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That’s a dedicated band
Like August 27, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
oh aye
Like August 27, 2019