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Liath Mac Medb
by on August 30, 2019
Bright sky, few clouds, warm breeze. It's a perfect day in Canterlot, it's near the weekend so the streets are filled with ponies enjoying the day. The sound of the crowds, noble ponies and the like, patrolling guards it's as busy as can be expected. The two stallions sit across from each other at a table outside the cafe meant for outdoor dining. The inside was quite loud and busy, but it's a bit less so for a reason and Prince Liath chose this place for a reason. He ran into his brother and are now out for lunch. Crowds make Prince Sainglend nervous, and he's even taken to wearing a black cloak with a deep hood to hide his face.
"I just want you to know that you look even more suspicious with that on." Lyle grins, leaning forward a bit. Since they were foals, he's always enjoyed teasing his brother but since he's gotten older he thankfully knows when he's gone too far.
"How they see me is none of my concern as long as they leave me alone. You don't know what I've had to deal with here." He scrunches his nose underneath the hood. "The mares in this country have no concept of privacy or personal space." The dark unicorn huffs and uses magic to pick up the cup of tea in front of him and bring it to his lips.
Lyle blinks seemingly surprised by the news. "Mares you say? Haven't been here long and you're already breaking hearts. Mom would be proud." He snickers through his teeth and picks up his own cup and blows on it to cool the steaming liquid. "All the lovely mares scattered to the wind when I got married, either word gets around fast or Equestrian mares have a 6th sense about that." He laughs.
"I am not breaking any hearts. I'm here because Mathair asked me to be." Sainglend lowers his head and looks down at the table and his cup in front of him.
Liath nods and leans back in his seat, easing up a bit on the torment for now. "Abby said she dropped by, I wasn't there at the time though. So fill me in, what have you two been up to since I heard about the magic books." His eyes light up curiously.
"We've been trying to figure out how to handle this. We can't simply remove the book, though we have managed to convince the library to give it to us." Sainglend always gets much more wordy and talkative when explaining something. "It presents a unique breach in both our nations security, as well as an opportunity for both to grow. Either way, Mathair and I need to meet with the Princes and discuss how they wish to handle it, but the book on our end is being guarded heavily currently as you know. Getting the Princes together has always been a challenge, you're aware of what was going on in the Castle last time Mathair tried to call a meeting."
"Yeah... that was a mess." Liath would best not remembering, it was also around that time that his wife was going through some... stuff. He was positively at his wits end during that time.
"You've changed... a lot." Sainglend says solemnly and quietly. A somber air hangs between them and the rest of the world seems to quiet as the mood changes drastically.
"I know. We didn't get a chance to catch up much at the wedding. I'm sorry about that." Lyle's ears flatten to his head, and his smile disappears.
"We had a funeral for you after a few months after the accident. The marker might still be there."
"That's a bit morbid..." Lyle replies with a frown.
"Now you speak different, like an Equestrian." Sainglend's frown deepens.
"Some things got mixed up when I hit my head. I couldn't remember anything you know, I picked up what I could. I had to find out everything later, and it slowly came back. It's been what? Two and a half years?" Lyle raises a hoof and scratches the back of his neck.
"It feels like it's been longer. Mathair was... well I think I told you before. I may be repeating myself but every time I see you I can't help but see the changes." Sainglend continues.
"You are repeating yourself a little, but I have changed. For the better maybe? Royal life never suited me or either of us, and both Abby and I were glad to find that mom didn't immediately drag me back home when she found me. She easily could have." Lyle replies as he plays with the cup of tea in front of him, prodding it with his hoof and watching the liquid be disturbed.
"She wasn't the only one who lost you..."
"Mo dheartháir I'd hug you if I knew you wouldn't hate it." A small smile returns to Lyle's face.
"Your consideration is appreciated." Sainglend replies with just a hint of sarcasm. His dislike for most physical contact has never stopped his brother from tormenting him in the past.
The two brothers spent another hour chatting, so involved was their conversation that they both simply forgot to order food and continued to talk over cold tea. Lyle did most of the talking, while Sainglend merely answered his questions or elaborated. They spoke of the goings on at the Castle back home, the upcoming harvest festival, and even a bit of politics. They then parted and went their separate ways, Lyle returned home to Ponyville via train and Sainglend was to meet up with their mother, who had plans to plea to the Princes for a meeting again today which had been frustrating them both. It was odd to be at the other end of an exchanged like this for a royal family who is used to being behind the meetings. Lyle and Sainglend made plans to see each other again, and go out for drinks some evening, agreement owing much to Lyle's prodding that he and his mother stop by the Lounge that he owns in Ponyville.
Topics: family, rp