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The Doctor
by on September 6, 2019
Dear Princess Celestia,
Hello again, old friend. It's certainly been a while since I last wrote to you, hasn't it? Heh... Well, perhaps it has been from my perspective. Perhaps from yours, this will be the first letter you ever read of mine- time travel can be oh so difficult like that. Wibbly wobbly, and what have you. I digress. The reason I am writing you again takes precedent over my ramblings. For me, it has been a while since we have last spoke. Oh so long old friend... Oh so very long. You're wisdom is boundless, and your experience makes you an expert in the realm of Friendship; next to your own pupil, Miss Sparkle. If you are wondering why I am not writing to her, well it is within good reason. I am afraid you have more experience in this field of friendship, more so than she. So I must ask you the question I feel... I am qualified to answer, but.. has thus far eluded me. It is a question that has plagued me for many years, but has escaped me for all that time...
Princess Celestia, how should one proceed with life, after losing a good friend to time? That great force that erodes at all things, and crosses all distances at once... How can you move forward, knowing that you will one day leave them all behind? ... For years now I have struggled with this question due to it's very nature, and due to my own. My life has long been one of solitude, followed by surrounding myself with friends, followed by more solitude and lonesome travels. It has gotten to a point where I feel lost when I am alone. When I feel uncertain of who I am, without the comfort of those around me, guiding me to be the best of myself... And now, I must leave again. Leave behind the friends I have made and known for oh so long in my life- nearly all of it, for as long as I can even remember.
... How does one cope with the loss of a friendship, when going so far away, for oh so very long? I have tried- oh. Believe me I have tried in the past. I have been here for so long, and lived through so many faces and lies. Things no one should see, no one should know. Secrets and sights more beautiful and sorrowful than the heart was ever prepared to bare. (Both of them.) I have lived these lives with my friends, each of them carrying on a tiny bit of me wherever they go after our adventures together. After our life and after our souls have unwound and gone their separate ways. I have watched all of my friends leave me, to the great temptress that is 'Time.' I have watched them whittle away, and give themselves unto her actions. I have seen them be pulled from my grasp and flung to the far corners of the known world, and I have more who have since forgotten me with their new lives... but who I will never forget. They will always live on fondly, as a part of me- as a part of who I am... until I too change and forget them...
I will be leaving again... All of it- all of it behind... Not because I want to. But because I know I must. Once more, unto the breach, I suppose you could say. I will be leaving them all behind. A new me. A new life.... All I have known this time- and yet... It feels like the first time all over again... Or is this the first? ... Forgive me- I am confusing myself in my own writings. I am rambling again.
... I am lost, old friend... Oldest of friends- older than myself. The Friend who brought me into this new life, the one who caught my mind and set it ablaze with inspiration and hope for new life. You made me believe in a world that was impossible- YOU made me believe in the world I have matured in, and believe in the teachings of. You are the first face, this face of mine ever saw. You are the reason, I am the person I am today. Writing to you, in the form of a letter... My Last Letter... Or, is it my First for you? ... Will this be the one you never let me read? The one you know you will never see me write? ... My time has come old friend. I will wait, for you to respond to me... I will wait for you to tell me, how I can live on without you... for I fear- ... I fear I do not know how I can... but- I am certain, you will tell me there is a way~ ... You always say I do the impossible things- you always inspired me to do the things that no one else can do. Well? Now, I ask one of you.
Goodbye, My Little Ponies.
Your Friend.
(The Doctor)