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by on September 11, 2019
Art by artist on lamker
This week it’s time to help you build your OCs. So to begin, we’d like to ask you to think about your OC and answer this question. “What is the biggest lie your OC tells themself?” This sort of question gives your OCs a flaw which is tied to perhaps a core ideal for them.An example of such would be that your OC believes that their friends would never lie to them. This would cause them to trust whatever their friends say at face value, like Pinkie Pie. While being devastated if they find out they were lied to. The break of their internal reality could cause them to then create another lie that is more dysfunctional then the last or provide a character with something to reflect upon. The example is how Pinkie discovers that her friends lie to her so she falls into a deep depression of which she creates versions of her friends that would never lie to her. Rejecting her friends due to their untrustworthy behavior, by creating narratives in her head about how much they dont care for her. She quickly rebounds once she realizes that her friends were instead planning something for her. While I dont personally recommend such a quick rebound it is an interesting example to get you to start to think about what makes your character tick. So what is the lie that your character tells themself?
Topics: oc workshop
9 people like this.
Sandy Sunrise
Sandy Sunrise's lie would probably be that she's still the adventurous little filly she used to be, not the anxious mare she is now.
Like September 11, 2019
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Sandy Sunrise
She tries very hard to force herself into situations she can't handle, and while she is very talkative and social, it's more of an act. She spends at least an hour a day before she leaves her house trying to calm down.
Like September 12, 2019
Interesting, Im sure that leads to dramatic situations. I hope this guide was helpful for you to think about. :P
Like September 12, 2019
Sandy Sunrise
It was, thanks!
Like September 12, 2019
Trixie Lulamoon
Trixie's lie.. Well. She's had several. Many have been broken/disproven to her. It's hard to focus on just one. I could get into all of them if you would like, would give out a lot of backstory as well.
Like September 12, 2019
Well if you already have a few lies for her that's awesome. No need tell me if you want your backstory to be some stuff that people discover. I just hope, this guide was a bit helpful for you to think about.
Like September 12, 2019
Trixie Lulamoon
Eh I mean... I usually try not to focus on all these complexities anyways. I just go with the flow kinda, reacting as my AU Trix would. Tbh she lies to herself a lot. Her big issue is can she even trust herself?
Like September 12, 2019
I see, no worries. Its just a nice tool for people who are feeling stuck.
Like September 12, 2019
Ambient Waves
Ambients biggest lie would probably be she thinks everything is positive and try's to grasp at even the smallest of things in dark times. Even though deep down she is crying, scared and knows its all over or there is no win.
Like September 12, 2019 Edited
Interesting, so what Im understanding is that her core value is that, "There is a spark of light no matter how dark?" Would you consider this to be a lie or optimism? Or is there world context that Im missing that would explain why there is no way to win?
Like September 13, 2019
Hawk's most problematic lie is that he tries to fool himself into believing he is a nothing, a nobody. Not in a low self-esteem way, but like he's a pleb, a peasant and nothing worth anyone's attention
Like December 20, 2021
So he struggles with self-worth and views the world around him as something he is incapable or unworthy of interacting with. How do you plan to have him overcome such a flaw? Perhaps a note falls upon his doorstep advertising a festival and he chances it to go, merely to observe?
Like October 3, 2022